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Title:Spremljanje fenoloških faz in senzorična ocena namiznega grozdja pri nekaterih sortah vitis vinifera l.
Authors:ID Polanec, Urška (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Borut (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Polanec_Urska_2017.pdf (1,32 MB)
MD5: F90D7390F5807BF033422010283B397E
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/ded6b24a-9a92-4915-9743-aae03abee4d0
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2014 smo na Univerzitetnem centru za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo spremljali razvojne faze za nekatere sorte Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera L. po sistemu BBCH. Ko so sorte dosegle vsebnost sladkorja od 65 do 75 °Oe in so jih ocenjevalci ocenili kot zrele, smo določili tehnološko zrelost sorte in jih na osnovi tega razvrstili v zoritvene skupine (zgodnje, srednje pozne, pozne sorte). Pri senzoričnih ocenah smo ugotavljali tudi, če so moteče jagodne kožice in pečke. Med zgodnje sorte (do 145 dni) smo uvrstili sorte 'Perlaut', 'Beogradska rana', 'Alioshenkin', 'Demir Kapija', 'Kardinal', 'Muškat plevenski' in 'Kosovska rana', med srednje pozne (od 146 do165 dni) 'Hecker', 'Xenia', 'Rdeča žlahtnina', 'Prima' in 'Kraljica vinogradov' in med pozne (več kot 165 dni) 'Artemis', 'Danlas', 'Afus Ali', 'Matilde' in 'Delhro'. Najbolj moteče pečke so bile pri sorti 'Beogradska rana', nobenega ocenjevalca pa niso motile pri sortah 'Artemis' in 'Matilde'. Jagodna kožica je bila najbolj moteča pri sorti 'Danlas', najmanj pa pri sorti 'Alioshenkin'. 'Danlas' je bila sorta, ki bi jo kupilo najmanj ocenjevalcev, največ ocenjevalcev bi kupilo sorto 'Alioshenkin'.
Keywords:vinska trta, fenološke faze, tehnološka zrelost, senzorična ocena zrelosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67497 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.09.2017
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Licensing start date:21.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:Monitoring of phenological stages and sensory evaluation of table grapes of certain vitis vinifera l. varieties
Abstract:In 2014, the cycles of vegetation of certain Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera L. table grape varieties at the University Centre of Viticulture and Oenology Meranovo were monitored. The length of vegetation was established using the BBCH system. The ripening group for each variety (early, middle late, late variety) was determined. When the evaluated varieties reached a sugar content of 65 to 75 °Oe and the evaluators estimated them to be ripe the technological ripeness for each variety was determined. Based on sensory evaluation, an assessment of whether the grape skin and seeds are disruptive took place. ‘Perlaut’, ‘Beogradska rana’, ‘Alioshenkin’, ‘Demir Kapija’, ‘Kardinal’, ‘Muškat plevenski’ and ‘Kosovska rana’ were ranked among early varieties (up to 145 days). ‘Hecker, ‘Xenia’, ‘Rdeča žlahtnina’, ‘Prima’ and ‘Kraljica vinogradov’ were placed in the group of medium late varieties (146 to 165 days). ‘Artemis’, ‘Danlas’, ‘Afus Ali', 'Matilde 'and 'Delhro' were placed among late grape varieties (165 days and more). The seeds were most disruptive in the ‘Beogradska rana’ variety; no evaluator said that the seeds were disruptive in the ‘Artemis’ and ‘Matilde’ varieties. The grape skin was most disruptive in the ‘Danlas’ variety and the least in the ‘Alioshenkin’ variety. Most evaluators would buy the ‘Alioshenkin’ variety, and a few of them would decide to get the ‘Danlas’ variety.
Keywords:grape vine, phenophases, technological ripeness, sensory ripeness evaluation


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