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Title:Vpliv različnih ilustracij Pekarne Mišmaš na učenčevo vrednotenje literarnih likov
Authors:ID Gradišnik, Špela (Author)
ID Haramija, Dragica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Batič, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Gradisnik_Spela_2017.pdf (1,47 MB)
MD5: 46EF387C3CEEA7714EF59C3B099FD296
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/13afd5eb-81d3-4cd8-ac33-1b9b97d21474
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:Namen magistrskega dela Vpliv različnih ilustracij Pekarne Mišmaš na učenčevo vrednotenje literarnih likov je preveriti, kako različne ilustracije v različnih variantah Pekarne Mišmaš vplivajo na razumevanje in vrednotenje literarnih likov, ki v slikanici nastopajo. Cilj je bil ugotoviti ali učenci opisujejo literarne like bolj na podlagi besedila ali se pri tem bolj naslanjajo na ilustracije. Poleg tega je bila pozornost raziskave usmerjena v primerjavo vrednotenja likov med razredi, kjer je bila slikanica obravnavana. Po celostni analizi slikanice Pekarna Mišmaš, ki je potekala pod enakimi pogoji dela, je bil cilj dosežen z izvedbo polstrukturiranega intervjuja. Intervju je potekal individualno, z vsakim učencem posebej. S pomočjo intervjuja smo želeli ugotoviti ali je bil pri odgovorih učencev viden močnejši vpliv besedila ali ilustracij. Učenci so ustno dogovarjali na vprašanja odprtega tipa, ki so se navezovala na značaj in vizualni izgled literarnih likov. Odgovori so bili zapisani v razpredelnico, ki je bila sestavljena za vsak razred posebej in obdelani na nivoju deskriptivne ter inferenčne statistike. Pri raziskavi je sodelovalo 57 učencev tretjega razreda osnovne šole. Z analizo odgovorov je bilo ugotovljeno, da učenci literarne like glede na značaj sodijo bolj s pomočjo besedila in na podlagi celotne zgodbe, vizualno pa jih opišejo bolj z naslanjanjem na ilustracije in ne s pomočjo tistega, kar je v besedilu omenjeno.
Keywords:Pekarna Mišmaš, slikanica, literarni liki, klasična avtorska pravljica, Marija Lucija Stupica, Gorazd Vahen, Kostja Gatnik, Svetlana Makarovič
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Š. Gradišnik]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67432 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23329288 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.09.2017
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
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Licensing start date:17.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:The influence of different illustrations of the book Pekarna Mišmaš on pupil's valuation of the literary characters
Abstract:The purpose of the master’s thesis The influence of different illustrations of the book Pekarna Mišmaš on pupil's valuation of the literary characters is to evaluate how different illustrations in different versions of the book Pekarna Mišmaš influence pupils’ understanding and valuation of the literary characters from the book. The purpose was to discover if pupils describe the literary characters based on the text or the illustrations. The thesis also focused on comparing the valuations of the characters amongst different classes where the picture book was discussed. After a comprehensive analysis of the picture book Pekarna Mišmaš under identical conditions, the goal was reached by conducting a semi-structured interview. It was carried out with each pupil individually. With the interview, we wanted to establish if the pupils’ answers were influenced more by the text or the illustrations. The pupils answered open-ended questions, which were related to the personalities and the visual appearances of the characters, orally. The answers were then compiled in a chart, which was modelled for every individual class and processed with the help of descriptive and inferential statistics. This research is based on answers of 57 3rd grade primary school pupils. Answer analysis has shown that pupils value the personalities of the literary characters based on the text and the complete story, whereas their visual appearance is more often valued based on illustrations and not written descriptions.
Keywords:Pekarna Mišmaš, picture book, literary characters, classic authorial fairytale, Marija Lucija Stupica, Gorazd Vahen, Kostja Gatnik, Svetlana Makarovič


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