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Title:Preizkušanje različnih metod kalitve pečk vinske trte
Authors:ID Perko, Andrej (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Borut (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Perko_Andrej_2017.pdf (1,86 MB)
MD5: 3FDA4076B3321787414EF1F88B811591
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/aae9de05-274f-42b6-ae71-ad5f549107f2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2016 smo ugotavljali vpliv različnih načinov priprave pečk vinske trte pred setvijo na začetek in dinamiko kalitve. Poskus je bil izveden v rastlinjaku na Fakulteti za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede s pečkami desetih sort v treh ponovitvah (160 pečk v ponovitvi). Pred pripravo pečk na setev so bile pečke stratificirane 160 dni pri 9 °C. Potem so bile vse pečke namočene v vodi (48 ur) in pred sejanjem pripravljene na štiri načine: a) brušenje, b) brušenje in namakanje 2 uri v 30% vodikovem peroksidu (H2O2), c) brušenje in namakanje 2 uri v 15% H2O2 in d) kontrola (samo namakanje v vodi). Setev pečk je bila opravljena 20. 4. 2016 v setvene plošče s sadilnim substratom, ki je bil na vrhu pokrit z vermikulitom. Dinamiko kalitve smo spremljali do 30. 6. 2016. Kalitev pečk se je začela najhitreje pri sorti ˈMuscat letniiˈ(35. dan po sejanju) in najkasneje pri sorti ˈEvitaˈ (44. dan). Kalitev pečk je trajala od 28 do 40 dni. Priprava pečk ni imela vpliva na začetek kalitve in dinamiko kalitve, razen pri sorti ˈZelenecˈ. Večji vpliv na kalitev so imele sorte, saj je skalilo od 7 % (ˈRanfolˈ) do 85,8 % (ˈZelenecˈ 2).
Keywords:vinska trta, Vitis vinifera, pečke, kalitev, vodikov peroksid
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67409 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.09.2017
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:17.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:Testing Different Methods of Grape Seed Germination
Abstract:The study took place in 2016 and its aim was to analyse the influence of different grape seed treatments, prior to sowing, on the beginning and the dynamics of germination. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences and involved treated seeds of ten varieties planted in three replications (160 seeds per replication). The seeds were stratified at 9 °C, for 160 days. They were soaked in water (48 h) before sowing and their treatments involved the following four methods: a) scarification, b) scarification and 2 hour soaking in 30 % H2O2, c) scarification and 2 hour soaking in 15 % H2O2 and d) control (soaking in water). The seeds were planted on 20. 4. 2016 in transplanting trays, filled with sowing substrate and topped with vermiculite. The dynamics of germination was monitored until 30. 6. 2016. The earliest germination was observed in the variety ˈMuscat letniiˈ (35 days after sowing), while the latest occurred in the variety ˈEvitaˈ (44 days). The germination was taking place between 28 and 40 days. The treatments had no effect on the beginning and the dynamics of the grape seed germination. The only exception was the variety ˈZelenecˈ. The genotype (variety) had the highest impact on germination rate which ranged from 7 % (ˈRanfolˈ) to 85,8 % (ˈZelenecˈ 2).
Keywords:Grapevine, Vitis vinifera, grape seed, germination, hydrogen peroxide


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