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Title:Izboljšanje izkoristka transportnih voženj v podjetju LKV JANKO d.o.o.
Authors:ID Radolič, Miha (Author)
ID Sternad, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Radolic_Miha_2017.pdf (1,21 MB)
MD5: F2F41E3A25A5446ACC701ED86D3396CA
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/290e0203-1500-4856-af25-29c6d82fb3e1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FL - Faculty of Logistic
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo analizirali podjetje LKV JANKO, d. o. o.. Cilji analize podjetja so bil določiti stroške transporta (predvsem stroške praznih in delno praznih voženj), poiskati vzroke za prazne kilometre ter poiskati načine za optimizacijo transportnih poti v podjetju. Namen diplomskega dela je bil poiskati načine za izboljšanje izkoristka transportnih voženj v podjetju LKV JANKO, d. o. o.. V prvem delu naloge smo pregledali obstoječo strokovno literaturo, izhodišča in definicije. V drugem delu naloge pa smo naredili analizi obstoječega stanja v podjetju. Pri pregledu obstoječega stanja smo najprej razmejili stroške in določili stroškovni nosilec. Preverili smo tehnologijo in diagram poteka izvajana storitve transporta. S pomočjo diagrama poteka smo lahko natančneje določili, katere so tiste kritične točke v procesu izvajanja transporta. S pomočjo znanja, ki smo ga pridobili v strokovni literaturi in v predpisih, ter zbranimi podatki iz podjetja smo podali predloge za nove uvedbe, ki bi vplivale na izboljšanje izkoristka transportnih voženj. Naši predlogi so temeljili na pridobivanju novih poslovnih partnerjev na mednarodni ravni, širitvi poslovnih partnerjev doma, kar bi podjetju LKV JANKO, d. o. o. povečalo razpon možnih uvoznih dobrin, predlagali smo uvajanje cikličnega itinerarija. S temi uvedbami bi podjetje izboljšalo izkoristek transportnih voženj in povečalo prihodke iz transportnih storitev.
Keywords:transport, prazni kilometri, izkoristek transportnih voženj, predlogi za nove uvedbe.
Place of publishing:Celje
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67401 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.05.2018
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License:CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Description:The most restrictive Creative Commons license. This only allows people to download and share the work for no commercial gain and for no other purposes.
Licensing start date:16.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:Improving the efficiency of transport journey in company LKV JANKO d.o.o.
Abstract:In this thesis, we analyzed company LKV JANKO D.O.O. The reason for analyzing the named company, was to determine the transport costs (particularly the cost of empty and partially empty runs), find the causes of empty kilometers and to find ways to optimize transport routes in the company. The purpose of the thesis was to find ways to improve the efficiency of transport journeys in the company LKV JANKO D.O.O. In the first part of the thesis, we have reviewed the existing scientific literature, origins and definitions. In the second part of the work we have done an analysis of the existing situation in the company. In reviewing the current situation, we first delimited costs and specific cost carrier. We checked out the technology that is in use and flowchart performed transport services. Using the flowchart, it was easier to determinate, which are the critical points in the implementation process of transportation. With the knowledge we have gained in the professional literature and regulations as well as the data collected from the company, we have made proposals for a new introduction, which would affect the improvement of the efficiency of transport trips. Our proposals are based on the acquisition of new business partners at the international level, expansion of business partners at home and proposal for the introduction of the cyclical itinerary. With these implementations the company would be able to improve the efficiency of transport journeys and increased revenues from transport services.
Keywords:transportation, empty kilometers, the efficiency of transport trips, suggestions for new implementations.


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