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Title:Where Does Weekly Outdoor Education Lead To: The Potential of Joy and Satisfaction
Authors:ID Gomboc, Katja (Author)
ID Vršnik Perše, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Gomboc_Katja_2017.pdf (2,61 MB)
MD5: 8C8FD7FE6C7BA7787E89415CE92BA6FC
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/48c63df2-0ab9-449d-aeaa-e8032729ec3b
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:This research was set as a qualitative (descriptive) case study that portrayed the implementation and analysis of outdoor education teaching in the first grade of one primary school in Slovenia. As part of the qualitative and descriptive research I conducted interviews that researched the essence and importance of feeling/experiencing joy and satisfaction during experiencing outdoor education, as well as its connection to holistic learning dimensions. During the research period I spent five special outdoor learning days, and afterwards conducted all together 95 interviews with students. Almost every day students answered up to eight open-ended and close-ended semi-structured questions that focused on their emotions and emotional reasons while learning outside. The results showed that, while learning outdoors, students developed their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional holistic sides by forming expectations and having experiences, developed aesthetic and emotional attributes through listening tasks, developed emotional, spiritual, and cognitive traits by observing and interacting with animals. The results pointed out that all holistic learning aspects appeared during free outdoor play and outdoor learning in general, where emotions with an emphasis on joy and satisfaction played the essential roles. This study showed a good example of outdoor education implementation in a school curriculum, and also offered a new perspective on how to include the potential of joy and satisfaction into learning.
Keywords:Joy, Satisfaction, Outdoor Learning, Holistic Learning, Emotions, Interview
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Gomboc]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67072 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23285000 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.08.2017
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Licensing start date:01.08.2017

Secondary language

Title:Kam vodi tedensko izvajanje pouka izven učilnice: potencial sreče in zadovoljstva
Abstract:Raziskava je bila prikazana kot kvalitativna (deskriptivna) študija primera, ki zajema vključevanje učencev prvega razreda slovenske osnovne šole v učenje izven učilnice. S kvalitativno (deskriptivno) raziskavo sem tako izvedla intervjuje, s katerimi sem raziskovala bistvo in pomembnost čustev/doživljanj sreče in zadovoljstva med učenjem izven učilnice ter povezanost le-tega s celostnim učenjem. Med raziskavo sem tako izvedla pet posebnih učnih dni izven učilnice s skupno 95 intervjuji učencev. Skoraj vsak dan so učenci odgovorili na osem odprtih in zaprtih vprašanj, ki so bila osredotočena na čustva učencev in razloge za njihova čustva med učenjem izven učilnice. Rezultati so pokazali, da učenci med poučevanjem izven učilnice razvijajo svoje kognitivne, fizične, socialne in čustvene dimenzije tako, da ustvarjajo pričakovanja in izkušnje; da učenci razvijajo svoje estetične in čustvene dimenzije, medtem ko izvajajo naloge poslušanja; da učenci razvijajo svoje čustvene, spiritualne in kognitivne dimenzije, ko opazujejo živali in komunicirajo z živalmi. Rezultati so izpostavili, da se med prosto igro izven učilnice in učenjem izven učilnice na splošno pojavijo vse dimenzije celostnega učenja, kjer čustva s srečo in zadovoljstvom predstavljajo glavno bistvo. Ta raziskava je s tem pokazala dober primer, kako učenje izven učilnice vključiti v učni načrt, in ponudila nov pogled na to, kako v poučevanje vključiti potencial sreče in zadovoljstva.
Keywords:sreča, zadovoljstvo, učenje, učenje izven učilnice, celostno učenje, čustva, intervju


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