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Title:Pregled, primerjava in analiza delovnih zvezkov za pouk slovenskega jezika v srednjih šolah
Authors:ID Hadner, Maja (Author)
ID Pulko, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Hadner_Maja_2017.pdf (2,18 MB)
MD5: 2B7E4664A0A7AA4744F53D9C1F10D93F
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/4e4ff1c5-8d4e-424d-971e-a6bc02ec95ca
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V magistrskem delu Pregled, primerjava in analiza delovnih zvezkov za pouk slovenskega jezika v srednjih šolah smo želeli predstaviti, pregledati, primerjati in analizirati delovne zvezke Na pragu besedila in Besede, ki se v srednjih šolah pri pouku slovenskega jezika pogosto uporabljajo. Iz ugotovitev in rezultatov smo oblikovali predloge za izboljšanje, prenovo ali posodobitev posameznih delovnih zvezkov. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo z deskriptivno metodo oblikovali teoretična izhodišča, izhajali smo iz spoznanj domačih in tujih avtorjev strokovne literature. V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela smo s komparativno metodo primerjali posamezne delovne zvezke med seboj, naloge v posameznih delovnih zvezkih in naloge v delovnih zvezkih z nalogami izbranih maturitetnih izpitnih pol. Naloge v delovnih zvezkih in maturitetnih izpitnih polah smo glede na tip in taksonomsko stopnjo razvrščali z metodo klasifikacije. Preverili smo ujemanje nalog v delovnih zvezkih s pričakovanimi rezultati v učnem načrtu in cilji v katalogih znanj. Kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo smo uporabili za pridobivanje informacij s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultate anketnih vprašalnikov smo razložili s frekvenčno distribucijo deskriptivne statistike. S primerjavo delovnih zvezkov in razvrščanjem nalog glede na tip in taksonomsko stopnjo smo ugotovili, da naloge v posameznih delovnih zvezkih niso enakomerno porazdeljene po sklopih, prav tako naloge različnih tipov in taksonomskih stopenj niso enakomerno porazdeljene v delovnih zvezkih. To pomeni, da se nekaterim jezikoslovnim temam posveča ne le več časa, temveč tudi podrobnejša razlaga. S primerjavo nalog v delovnih zvezkih z nalogami izbranih maturitetnih izpitnih pol smo ugotovili, da so si naloge podobne, iz česar zaključujemo, da naloge v delovnih zvezkih predstavljajo ustrezno postopno pripravo na maturo. Potrdimo lahko tudi ujemanje nalog v delovnih zvezkih s pričakovanimi rezultati v učnem načrtu in cilji v katalogih znanj. Rezultati, pridobljeni z anketnimi vprašalniki, so pokazali, da se delovni zvezki pri pouku slovenskega jezika v srednjih šolah pogosto uporabljajo. Spoznali smo, da anketirani dijaki najraje rešujejo izbirni tip naloge, natančneje z enim pravilnim odgovorom, najmanj priljubljene pa so naloge s kratkim odgovorom, ki se v delovnih zvezkih najpogosteje uporabljajo.
Keywords:Delovni zvezki, tipi nalog, taksonomske stopnje, slovenski jezik, maturitetne izpitne pole, srednja šola.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Hadner]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-67011 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23366408 New window
Publication date in DKUM:28.09.2017
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Licensing start date:25.07.2017

Secondary language

Title:Overview, comparison, and analysis of workbooks for Slovenian lessons in secondary schools
Abstract:The master's thesis Overview, comparison, and analysis of workbooks for Slovenian lessons in secondary schools presents, examines, compares, and analyses workbooks Na pragu besedila and Besede, that are often used for Slovenian lessons in secondary schools. Based on the findings and results, suggestions for improvement, renewal or actualisation of individual workbooks are proposed. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, theoretical starting points are formed using the descriptive method, and the findings of Slovenian and foreign authors of academic literature. In the empirical part of the master's thesis, the comparative method is used to compare individual workbooks among each other, the tasks in individual workbooks and the tasks in workbooks with tasks taken from selected Matura examination sheets. The tasks in the workbooks and Matura examination sheets are classified based on their type and taxonomic level using the classification method. The tasks from the workbooks are compared with the expected results in the learning plan and the goals in the knowledge catalogues. The causal non-experimental method is used for gaining information with the help of a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire are explained with the frequency distribution of descriptive statistics. By comparing the workbooks and classifying the tasks based on their type and taxonomic level, it was discovered that the tasks in individual workbooks are not evenly distributed into sets, and that different types and taxonomic levels of tasks are not evenly distributed in the workbooks. This means that some linguistic subjects not only get more time and attention, but also a more detailed explanation than others. By comparing the tasks in the workbooks with tasks from Matura examination sheets it was found, that the tasks resemble one another, so the conclusion was drawn that the tasks from the workbook present an adequate gradual preparation for the Matura. It was confirmed that the tasks in the workbooks meet the expected results in the learning plan and the goals in the knowledge catalogues. The results gained with the questionnaires show that the workbooks for Slovenian lessons in secondary schools are frequently in use. We discovered that the questioned students prefer the multiple-choice type of tasks with one right answer, the least favourite tasks are tasks with short answers which are most frequently used in workbooks.
Keywords:Workbooks, task type, taxonomic level, Slovenian language, Matura examination sheets, secondary school.


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