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Title:Comics as a literary-didactic method and their use for reducing gender differences in reading literacy at the primary level of education
Authors:ID Kerneža, Maja (Author)
ID Košir, Katja (Author)
Files:.pdf Center_for_Educational_Policy_Studies_Journal_2016_Kerneza,_Kosir_Comics_as_a_literary-didactic_method_and_their_use_for_reducing_gender.pdf (257,02 KB)
MD5: 73C79779575F9FC5F1C4ACE41ED84039
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/46c80290-f637-46da-bb5b-6e3c502dad8b
URL https://doi.org/10.26529/cepsj.6.2
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of the systematic use of comics as a literary-didactic method to reduce gender differences in reading literacy and reading motivation at the primary level of education. It was assumed that the use of comics would have a positive effect on pupils’ reading literacy and reading motivation, while also reducing the aforementioned differences between boys and girls. The dimensions of reading literacy and reading motivation were examined in experimental and control groups, before and aſter the intervention, by means of questionnaires and tests for pupils. The sample consisted of 143 pupils from second to fifth grade from two Slovenian primary schools in a rural environment, of which 73 pupils participated in the experimental group and 70 pupils represented the control group. Effects of the use of comics as a literary-didactic method were not found: using comics as a literary-didactic method did not have a statistically significant effect on pupils’ reading literacy and reading motivation. However, when the four-way structure of the research (taking into account the age and gender of the pupils) was considered, some subgroups showed a statistically significant increase in reading interest and attitude towards reading. No reduction of gender differences in reading literacy and reading motivation was found. Based on the results, guidelines for further research are established and suggestions are offered for teachers’ work.
Keywords:comics, gender differences, primary level pupils, reading literacy, reading motivation
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2016
Number of pages:str. 125-149
Numbering:Letn. 6, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66850 New window
ISSN on article:1855-9719
COBISS.SI-ID:22337032 New window
Publication date in DKUM:13.07.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:CEPS journal : Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal
Publisher:Pedagoška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze, Založba Univerze v Ljubljani, = University of Ljubljana Press
COBISS.SI-ID:252707584 New window


License:CC BY 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Description:This is the standard Creative Commons license that gives others maximum freedom to do what they want with the work as long as they credit the author.
Licensing start date:13.07.2017

Secondary language

Title:Strip kot literarnodidaktična metoda dela in njegova uporaba za zmanjšanje razlik med spoloma v bralni pismenosti na razredni stopnji šolanja
Abstract:Namen prispevka je preveriti učinke sistematične uporabe stripa kot literarnodidaktične metode dela na zmanjšanje razlik med spoloma v bralni pismenosti na razredni stopnji šolanja. Predvidevali smo, da bo uporaba stripa pozitivno vplivala na bralno pismenost učencev in njihovo motivacijo za branje, hkrati pa zmanjšala razlike v navedenih spremenljivkah med spoloma. Izbrane dimenzije bralne pismenosti in bralne motivacije so bile pred intervencijo in po njej v eksperimentalni in kontrolni skupini preverjane s pomočjo vprašalnikov in testov za učence ter ocenjevalne lestvice za učitelje. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 143 učencev od 2. do 5. razreda dveh slovenskih osnovnih šol iz podeželskega okolja, od katerih je 73 učencev sodelovalo v eksperimentalnem delu raziskave, 70 učencev pa je predstavljalo kontrolno skupino. V izvedeni raziskavi uporaba stripa kot literarnodidaktične metode dela v okviru zastavljenih hipotez ni imela statistično pomembnega učinka na bralno pismenost in bralno motivacijo učencev. Ko smo upoštevali štirismerno strukturo raziskave, pa se je strip kot literarnodidaktična metoda dela v nekaterih podskupinah udeležencev (upoštevajoč starost in spol učencev) pokazal kot primeren za zviševanje zanimanja za branje in izboljšanje odnosa do branja. Do pomembnega zmanjšanja razlik med spoloma ni prišlo v nobenem primeru. Na podlagi rezultatov v sklepnem delu predstavljamo predloge za nadaljnje raziskave in smernice za učiteljevo delo
Keywords:strip, razlike med spoloma, učenci razredne stopnje, bralna pismenost, bralna motivacija


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