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Title:Spoprijemanje s stresom in osebnostna čvrstost pri mladostnikih
Authors:ID Pukšič, Tamara (Author)
ID Bakračevič, Karin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Puksic_Tamara_2017.pdf (935,29 KB)
MD5: EE5D288C06B64E7134DF75C167DC28A6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/dc04be9d-f1a8-45b5-810c-5b78e62d8c9a
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava strategije spoprijemanja s stresom in/v povezavi z osebnostno čvrstostjo mladostnikov. Namen oziroma cilj teoretičnega dela magistrskega dela je bil predstaviti pojem mladostništva in stresa ter značilnosti strategij spoprijemanja s stresom. Ker nas je v magistrskem delu zanimalo, kako se s stresom spoprijemajo mladostniki, koliko so osebnostno čvrsti in kako se ti področji povezujeta med seboj, smo želeli predstaviti tudi osebnostno čvrstost, z njo povezane pojme, kot je odpornost, in njeno povezanost s strategijami spoprijemanja s stresom. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli na vzorcu 143 mladostnikov in mladostnic. Zanimalo nas je, katere strategije uporabljajo, ko se soočajo s stresnimi situacijami. Prav tako smo želeli ugotoviti, koliko so mladostniki osebnostno čvrsti, kadar se soočajo z različnimi izzivi v življenju. Pri tem smo preučili razlike v odgovorih glede na spol, starost in učni uspeh. Na koncu smo ugotavljali povezanost med strategijami spoprijemanja s stresom in osebnostno čvrstostjo. Rezultati so pokazali, da mladostniki in mladostnice v povprečju enakovredno izbirajo strategije spoprijemanja s stresom. Največje razlike so se pokazale pri humorju, s katerim se mladostniki v večji meri odzovejo na stres, in pri iskanju emocionalne socialne podpore, kjer se mladostnice v stresnih situacijah v povprečju pogosteje odločijo poiskati emocionalno socialno podporo. Mladostniki v srednji adolescenci kažejo v primerjavi z mladostniki v zgodnji adolescenci pogostejšo uporabo aktivnega in načrtnega spoprijemanja s stresom. Mladostniki z višjim učnim uspehom se uspešneje spoprijemajo s stresom kot mladostniki z nižjim učnim uspehom, saj v povprečju pogosteje uporabljajo strategije, ki vodijo v konstruktivno spoprijemanje s stresom. Glede na rezultate osebnostne čvrstosti mladostnikov smo ugotovili, da dekleta dosegajo višjo osebnostno čvrstost kot fantje. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da obstaja zveza med osebnostno čvrstostjo in na problem osredotočenimi strategijami spoprijemanja s stresom. Posameznik, ki stresne situacije jemlje kot izziv in priložnost za osebnostno rast ter je angažiran, pogosteje uporablja na problem osredotočene strategije spoprijemanja s stresom. Posameznik se stresnih situacij loti aktivno in načrtno, pretehta možne korake, stopi v akcijo in prav tako pozitivno ponovno oceni stresorje ter jih ne zanika, ne beži pred njimi ali jih »pomete pod preprogo«.
Keywords:mladostništvo, spoprijemanje s stresom, strategije spoprijemanja s stresom, osebnostna čvrstost, odpornost
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Pukšič]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66607 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:24253960 New window
Publication date in DKUM:20.12.2018
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Licensing start date:04.07.2017

Secondary language

Title:Stress management and personal hardiness in adolescents
Abstract:This master’s thesis focuses on stress management strategies and/in relation to personal hardiness of adolescents. The purpose or objective of the theoretical part of the master’s thesis was to present the terms of adolescence and stress and the characteristics of stress management strategies. As this master’s thesis focused on how adolescents cope with stress, their personal hardiness and the relation between these two aspects, our purpose was also to present personal hardiness (and the related terms such as resilience) and its relation to stress management strategies of adolescents. The empirical part presents the results of a study which was based on a sample of 143 adolescents. We were interested in the strategies used by adolescents when facing stressful situations. We further wished to establish the personal hardiness of adolescents when faced with different challenges in life. We studied the differences in their answers with regard to gender, age and academic performance. We finally established connections between stress management strategies and personal hardiness of adolescents. The results have shown that, on average, adolescents are equal in terms of which strategies they choose when coping with stress. The largest differences were evident in humour, as male adolescents respond to stress with humour more frequently than female adolescents and in the search for emotional social support, as female adolescents, on average, more frequently decide to seek emotional social support than their male counterparts. Compared to early adolescence, the use of active and planned coping is more frequently employed in middle adolescence. Adolescents with better academic performance are more successful in managing stress than adolescents with a poorer academic performance, as, on average, they more frequently employ strategies that lead to constructive coping. As regards the results of personal hardiness of adolescents, it has been established that girls show higher levels of personal hardiness than boys. The study further established a connection between personal hardiness and problem-focused stress management strategies of adolescents. Individuals, who view stressful situations as a challenge and opportunity for personal growth and are committed, more frequently employ problem-focused stress management strategies. They cope with stressful situations actively and deliberately, weigh the possible steps and take action. They further positively reassess stressors and do not deny them, run away from them or “sweep them under the carpet”.
Keywords:adolescence, stress management, stress management strategies, personal hardiness, resilience


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