Title: | Fast random rewiring and strong connectivity impair subthreshold signal detection in excitable networks |
Authors: | ID Volman, Vladislav (Author) ID Perc, Matjaž (Author) |
Files: | New_Journal_of_Physics_2010_Volman,_Perc_Fast_random_rewiring_and_strong_connectivity_impair_subthreshold_signal_detection_in_excitable.pdf (1,36 MB) MD5: 224DAB6AAC823D1448D2DEE660D549FD
Language: | English |
Work type: | Article |
Typology: | 1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: | FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract: | We study dynamical responses in locally paced networks consisting of diffusively coupled excitable units with dynamically adjusted connectivity. It is shown that for weak subthreshold pacing, excessive or strong connectivity impairs the reliable response of a network to the stimulus. Fast random dynamic rewiring of the network also acts detrimentally on signal detection by enforcing a faster relaxation upon the paced unit. Our results indicate that efficient signal processing on excitable complex networks requires tight correspondence between the dynamics of connectivity and the dynamical processes taking place on the network. This, in turn, suggests the existence of 'function-follows-form' principles for systems described within this framework. |
Keywords: | neuronal dynamics, complex networks, coevolution, cognition |
Publication status: | Published |
Publication version: | Version of Record |
Year of publishing: | 2010 |
Number of pages: | str. 1-12 |
Numbering: | Letn. 12 |
PID: | 20.500.12556/DKUM-66555 |
ISSN: | 1367-2630 |
UDC: | 519.83:53 |
ISSN on article: | 1367-2630 |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 14075670 |
DOI: | 10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/043013 |
Publication date in DKUM: | 03.07.2017 |
Views: | 1321 |
Downloads: | 351 |
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Categories: | Misc.
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