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Title:Razvoj testne lutke za preučevanje delovanja senzorja za zaznavo pešcev ob trku z osebnim vozilom pri velikih naletnih hitrostih
Authors:ID Svetina, Taja (Author)
ID Slavinec, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Repnik, Robert (Comentor)
ID Pauer, Gernot (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Svetina_Taja_2017.pdf (3,49 MB)
MD5: 162267F485BF6F599885AF239648F39E
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:V magistrskem delu predstavimo razvoj nadomestne testne lutke za testno lutko Flex-PLI, ki bi jo uporabljali pri testih preučevanja delovanja senzorja za zaznavo pešcev ob trku z vozilom pri velikih naletnih hitrostih. Razvoj zajema določanje ciljnih krivulj, ki predstavljajo lastnosti testne lutke Flex-PLI med trkom, simulacijo trkov ter oblikovanje nove testne lutke, določanje njenih lastnosti med trkom in primerjanje teh lastnosti z lastnostmi testne lutke Flex-PLI. Podane so tudi dinamika togega telesa, fizika trkov ter možnosti zaščite pešcev pri trku z vozilom. Uspelo nam je razviti nadomestno testno lutko, ki zadostno oponaša obnašanje testne lutke Flex-PLI pri trkih z velikimi naletnimi hitrostmi in ki zadostuje zadanemu cilju, da naj bi bila nadomestna testna lutka čim bolj enostavna in posledično v primerjavi s testno lutko Flex-PLI cenovno ugodna. Podali smo različico možnega prototipa nadomestne testne lutke
Keywords:trki, gibalna količina, poškodbe pri trkih, zaščita pešcev, kinetična energija, testna lutka, tlačni senzor za zaznavo pešcev, deformacije
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[T. Svetina]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-66461 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23244552 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Development of a legform impactor surrogate for pedestrian detection sensor assessment at high impact speeds
Abstract:The thesis describes the development of alternative legform impactor surrogate for test dummy Flex-PLI, which can be used in tests to investigate the functioning of the pedestrian detection sensor assessment at collision with a vehicle at high impact speed. The development includes determining the target curves that represent the properties of the test dummy Flex-PLI during the collision, crash simulation and creation of a new test dummy, determining its properties during the collision and comparing these properties with the properties of the test dummy Flex-PLI. Dynamics of the rigid body, physics of collisions and the means of protection of pedestrians in case of impact with a vehicle are described as well. We have succeeded in developing an alternative test dummy, which sufficiently mimics the behaviour of test dummy Flex-PLI in collisions at high speed. The goal of alternative test dummy made as easy as possible and, consequently, in comparison with a test dummy Flex-PLI inexpensive, was accomplished. We made a prototype version of a possible alternative test dummy.
Keywords:collisions, momentum, collision injuries, pedestrian protection, kinetic energy, test dummy, pedestrian detection sensor assessment, deformation


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