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Title:Developing academic vocabulary with AWL gapmaker and corpus data
Authors:ID Križan, Agata (Author)
Files:.pdf Journal_for_Foreign_Languages_2009_Krizan_Developing_Academic_Vocabulary_with_AWL_Gapmaker_and_Corpus_Data.pdf (788,40 KB)
MD5: 25587641225D7F9750E4B1F2FB65B7E2
URL http://revije.ff.uni-lj.si/Vestnik/article/view/3458
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:There is a growing need for the development of at least some academic vocabulary in students of EFL (studying English for teaching and non-teaching purposes), if one of the main aims of EFL study is to produce competent users of English. Students are expected to read and understand advanced professional texts, not simply to successfully complete their degrees but to become a part of educated society, and to be able to meet the demands placed upon their knowledge in a prefessional environment. The reading and understanding of professional texts can be a highly demanding activity because of the number of academic and professional terms such texts include. This paper exemplifies the usefulness of a gap-fill exercise, as one among a range of options for developing and testing academic vocabulary in a professional context. The exercise was compiled with AWL gapmaker based on a professional review text, which includes academic items of vocabulary. The gap-fill exercise was used with two groups of EFL students in the same year of study and installed at two difficulty levels for two reasons: to test students' existing knowledge of academic vocabulary, and to enrich it through the analysis of words in context/co-text relation using a concordancing program. The paper compares the answers of both groups to determine the most problematic entries (incorrect answers), and to provide the possible reasons for them. Further, contextual clues are taken into consideration as a helpful source for determining correct entries, and tested with the concordancing program. Besides the emphasis on the usefulness of such gap-fill exercises combined with corpus for the development and enrichment of academic vocabulary, the paper also emphasizes the importance of guiding students in how to search for different grammatical and other contextual clues to make correct inferences, and how to use concordances to support or reject the claims.
Keywords:English, foreign languages, scientific language, scientific vocabulary, academic vocabulary, corpus linguistics, academic teaching, didactics
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2009
Number of pages:str. 87-111
Numbering:Letn. 1, št. 1/2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65768 New window
ISSN on article:1855-8453
COBISS.SI-ID:41546594 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.05.2017
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Vestnik za tuje jezike
Publisher:Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, Založba Univerze v Ljubljani
COBISS.SI-ID:249563392 New window


License:CC BY-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:This Creative Commons license is very similar to the regular Attribution license, but requires the release of all derivative works under this same license.
Licensing start date:18.05.2017

Secondary language

Title:Razvijanje akademskega besedišča s pomočjo AWL gapmakerja in korpusnih podatkov
Abstract:Pri študentih angleščine kot tujega jezika (za pedagoške in nepedagoške namene) narašča potreba po razvijanju akademskega besedišča - razviti ga morajo vsaj do določene mere, če je eden izmed glavnih ciljev študija ustvariti uspešne uporabnike angleščine. Od študentov se pričakuje, da berejo in razumejo zahtevnejša strokovna in znanstvena besedila, ne zgolj z namenom uspešnega zaključka študija, pač pa da postanejo del izobražene družbe in tako zmožni soočati se z zahtevami v smislu znanja na svojih poklicnih poteh. Branje in razumevanje strokovnih besedil je lahko zelo zahtevna aktivnost zaradi določenega števila besed akademskega besedišča, ki ga takšna besedila vključujejo. Članek podaja primer uporabnosti naloge z zapolnjevanjem vrzeli v strokovnem besedilu kot ene izmed mnogih možnosti za razvijanje in preverjanje akademskega besedišča v kontekstu, sestavljene s pomočjo AWL gap makerja. Nalogo za zapolnjevanje vrzeli v besedilu so reševali študenti istega letnika v dveh skupinah in je le-ta bila nastavljena na različni težavnostni stopnji pri istem besedilu zaradi dveh razlogov: preveriti obstoječe znanje o akademskem besedišču in obogatiti besedišče skozi analizo besed v odnosu s kontekstom z uporabo programa konkordanc. Članek primerja odgovore obeh skupin z namenom ugotoviti najbolj težavna mesta zapolnitev (nepravilne odgovore) in podati možne razloge za le-te. Poleg tega so upoštevani kontekstualni indici kot koristni viri pri ugotavljanju pravilnih odgovorov; preverjeni so s pomočjo programa konkordanc. Poleg poudarka na uporabnosti takšne naloge v kombinaciji s korpusom za razvijanje in obogatitev akademskega besedišča članek poudarja pomembnost vodenja študentov v smislu, kako iskati različne slovnične in druge ko(n)tekstualne indice, ki jim lahko pomagajo pri ugotavljanju pravilnih zapolnitev, ter v smislu, kako uporabljati konkordance, da le-te podprejo ali zavržejo odgovor.
Keywords:angleščina, tuji jeziki, znanstveni jezik, znanstveno besedišče, akademsko besedišče, korpusna lingvistika, visokošolsko poučevanje, didaktika


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