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Title:Socialna vključenost otrok s primanjkljajem, ovirami oz. motnjami otrok s posebnimi potrebami z vidika vrstnikov
Authors:ID Šekoranja, Anja (Author)
ID Vezjak, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V magistrskem delu se posvečamo socialni vključenosti otrok s primanjkljajem, ovirami oziroma motnjami otrok s posebnimi potrebami z vidika vrstnikov. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni otroci s posebnimi potrebami ter njihovo vključevanje v redno osnovno šolo. Za otroke, ki že v zgodnjem obdobju kažejo motnje v razvoju, je pomembno, da se jih testira, kajti le tako učitelj pri pouku lahko vidi njihova močna in šibka področja in jih motivira, da izrazijo svoje sposobnosti in določene prednosti. Kdaj in kako naj otroka usmerimo v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in kakšne težave lahko srečamo v postopku usmerjanja? Pregledali smo Ustavo Republike Slovenije ter Konvencijo o otrokovih pravicah, da bi ugotovili, kaj je o otrocih, ki imajo posebne potrebe, zapisano v zakonih. Predstavljene so različne bolezni kot so, slepi in slabovidni učenci, otroci z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, gibalno ovirani učenci, otroci s cerebralno paralizo, otroci, ki trpijo za spinalno mišično atrofijo, predstavljen je tip III, poškodbe glave, motnje hranjenja (anoreksija, bulimija, kompulzivno prenajedanje), epilepsija, disleksija, disgrafija, diskalkulija, dispraksija, učenci z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi motnjami, učenci s posebnimi potrebami. Kako se je uveljavila inkluzija nekoč, kako je s tem danes ter kako uspešni so učenci s posebnimi potrebami? V nadaljevanju smo si ogledali značilnosti takšnih oddelkov, koristi in posebnosti le-teh. Nato smo preučili motnjo v duševnem razvoju, agresijo ter hiperaktivnost. V empiričnem delu je bil namen raziskave anketiranje učencev razredne stopnje, da bi ugotovili, ali jih moti, da njihov oddelek obiskuje učenec s primanjkljajem, ovirami oziroma motnjami. Rezultati so pokazali, da učencev bistveno ne moti, da oddelek, v katerem so, obiskuje učenec s primanjkljajem, ovirami oziroma motnjami, saj je raziskava pokazala, da vrstniki vključujejo otroke s primanjkljajem, ovirami oziroma motnjami v seminarske naloge, raziskovalne naloge, delo v parih, v timsko delo … ter jim pri delu pomagajo.
Keywords:otroci s posebnimi potrebami, prilagoditve, zakonodaja, redna osnovna šola, izobraževanje, učenci, vrstniki, bolezni otrok
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Cvirn Šekoranja]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65761 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23245320 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.07.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Social inclusion of children with defict, disabilities or handicapped children with special needs in the light of their peers
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with social inclusion of children with deficits, disabled and handicapped children in the light of their peers. The theoretical part introduces children with special needs and their inclusion in a regular primary school. In the early period we need special testing for children with handicaps in development. This allows teachers to provide effective teaching and gives them insight into children's weak and strong areas. It is important to motivate them to show their abilities and different skills. The thesis also provides information about how and when a child should be involved in programmes adjusted to his abilities and what problems occur in this process. We have studied Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and Convention on the Rights of the Child to find out what is written about children with special needs. Furthermore, the thesis presents different illnesses of children with special needs – blind and visually-impaired children, children with speech problems, physical disabilities, children with celebral palsy, children suffering from spinal muscular athropy, type III, children with head injuries, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating), epilepsy, dyslexia, dysgrapia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, children with behavioural and emotional problems, children with special needs. It is indicated how inclusion was introduced in the past, how it is now and if it is successful with children with special needs. The following chapters define characteristics of such classes, their benefits and features. Mental development problems, aggression and hyperactivity are studied in details. The purpose of the empirical part was to interview children of lower classes of primary school about their peers who have deficits, are disabled or handicapped. The results show that the children are not disturbed by having a child with special needs in their class, on the contrary, they involve him in seminar, research tasks, pair and team work and offer help when needed.
Keywords:children with special needs, adjustments, legislation, regular primary school, education, pupils, peers, child's illnesses


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