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Title:Analysis of didactic games in selected coursebooks
Authors:ID Krajnc, Mateja (Author)
ID Jurančič, Klementina Penelope (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Hempkin, Kirsten Margaret (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Krajnc_Mateja_2017.pdf (2,04 MB)
MD5: 3C6698C7CC943EA7465588F1C2C31462
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:For early foreign language learning, it is typical that it is carried out in a dynamic, varied and child-friendly way. This means that there is a wide variety of media used in these lessons, which enrich the learning process and make learning more efficient and, most importantly, more interesting for the students. One of the many media is also didactic games, which is being used more and more in practice. Due to the actuality of the topic of didactic games, the purpose of this Master’s thesis is to analyze didactic games in selected coursebooks for English in the fourth grade of primary school. In the theoretical part the terms “(child’s) play”, “game” and “didactic game” are defined, based on the technical literature. The importance of child’s play for the development of children and the significance of games in the educational process are presented. Numerous types of didactic games are listed and presented, along with their use in the classroom. Furthermore, the term “coursebook” is defined and the importance of its role in the educational process illustrated. At the end of the theoretical section, the requirements for coursebook design are presented and the characteristics of a quality coursebook listed. In the empirical section of the thesis, the analysis that was carried out based on the selected coursebooks is presented. The research shows that there is a small share of didactic games in the selected coursebooks and that language games and communicative games prevail. The majority of games are intended for practicing vocabulary, speaking and listening. The research also reveals that didactic games encourage all forms of work (individual work as well as pair work and group work).
Keywords:child’s play and games, didactic games, early ELT classroom, coursebooks, coursebook design, analysis of didactic games
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Krajnc]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65675 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:23166216 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.06.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analiza didaktičnih iger v izbranih učbenikih
Abstract:Za zgodnje učenje tujega jezika je značilno, da le-to poteka na razgiban, raznolik in otrokom prijazen način. To pomeni, da se v samih učnih urah uporabljajo najrazličnejši mediji, ki popestrijo sam pouk in naredijo učenje učinkovito in predvsem zanimivo za učence. Eden izmed mnogih medijev so ravno didaktične igre, ki so v praksi uporabljene vedno pogosteje. Zaradi aktualnosti teme o didaktičnih igrah je namen magistrskega dela analizirati didaktične igre v izbranih učbenikih za angleščino v četrtem razredu osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu naloge so na podlagi strokovne literature opredeljeni pojmi »(otroška) igra«, »igra« in »didaktična igra«. Predstavljen je pomen otroške igre za razvoj otrok in pomen iger v izobraževalnem procesu. Našteti in predstavljeni so številni tipi didaktičnih iger ter njihova uporaba pri pouku. Prav tako je opredeljen pojem »učbenik« in prikazana je pomembnost njegove vloge v izobraževalnem procesu. Na koncu teoretičnega dela so predstavljene zahteve za oblikovanje učbenikov in značilnosti kakovostnega učbenika. V empiričnem delu naloge je predstavljena analiza, ki je bila narejena na podlagi izbranih učbenikov. Raziskava kaže, da je v izbranih učbenikih majhen delež didaktičnih iger in prevladujejo predvsem jezikovne in komunikativne igre. Največ iger je namenjenih vadbi besedišča, govorjenja in poslušanja. Raziskava kaže tudi, da igre spodbujajo vse oblike dela (tako individualno delo kot tudi delo v dvojicah in skupinah).
Keywords:otroška igra in igre, didaktične igre, zgodnje poučevanje angleščine, učbeniki, načrtovanje učbenikov, analiza didaktičnih iger


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