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Title:Extended technology acceptance model for SPSS acceptance among Slovenian students of social sciences
Authors:ID Brezavšček, Alenka (Author)
ID Šparl, Petra (Author)
ID Žnidaršič, Anja (Author)
Files:.pdf Organizacija_2014_Brezavscek,_Sparl,_Znidarsic_Extended_Technology_Acceptance_Model_for_SPSS_Acceptance_among_Slovenian_Students_of_Soci.pdf (587,08 KB)
MD5: E25010AC690AC27BCE5E492C1A27EA67
URL http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/orga.2014.47.issue-2/orga-2014-0009/orga-2014-0009.xml
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Background and Purpose - IBM SPSS Statistics is among the most widely used programs for statistical analysis in social sciences. Due to many practical values it is frequently used as a tool for teaching statistical concepts in many social science university programs. In our opinion, motivation to learn and to use SPSS during the studying process plays a significant role in building a positive attitude towards SPSS which influences its usage at the professional level after finishing study. Design/Methodology/Approach - The aim of this paper is the development of the model for analysing the acceptance of the SPSS among university students of social sciences. The model is based on the widely known Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In addition to the traditional components of the TAM, six external variables were included. The model is tested using the web survey on the university students of social sciences from seven faculties at three Slovenian universities. Results - The evaluation of the questionnaire was performed. Descriptive statistics were calculated. The dependencies among the model components were studied and the significant dependencies were pointed out. Conclusion - The results of the empirical study prove that all external variables considered in the model are relevant, and directly influence both key components of the traditional TAM, ≫Perceived Usefulness≪ and ≫Perceived Ease of Use≪. Therefore, our model is useful to study the adoption and continuous utilization of SPSS among the students of social sciences. The obtained results are useful for educators, and can help them to improve the learning process.
Keywords:university education, statistics, statistics anxiety
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Year of publishing:2014
Number of pages:str. 116-128
Numbering:Letn. 47, št. 2
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65409 New window
ISSN on article:1318-5454
COBISS.SI-ID:7289363 New window
DOI:10.2478/orga-2014-0009 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.04.2017
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Title:Recent advances in systems, decision making, business intelligence and learning
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Title:Organizacija : revija za management, informatiko in kadre
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Publisher:Moderna organizacija
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Secondary language

Title:Razširjeni model TAM za analizo sprejetosti statističnega paketa SPSS med slovenskimi študenti družboslovja
Abstract:Ozadje in namen: IBM SPSS Statistics je eden izmed najpogosteje uporabljanih programov za izvajanje statističnih analiz v družboslovnih vedah. Zaradi številnih prednosti se SPSS pogosto uporablja tudi kot pripomoček pri učenju statistike na mnogih družboslovnih študijskih programih. Po našem mnenju igra motivacija za učenje in uporabo SPSS-a med samim študijem odločilno vlogo pri oblikovanju pozitivnega odnosa do tega statističnega paketa, kar vpliva na njegovo uporabo na profesionalnem nivoju po zaključku študija. Metoda: V prispevku smo razvili model, ki omogoča analizo sprejetosti SPSS-a med študenti družboslovnih študijskih programov. Model je zasnovan na znanem modelu TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), ki se v strokovni literaturi pogosto uporablja za proučevanje sprejetosti IT tehnologije med uporabniki. S pomočjo spletne ankete smo model preskusili na študentih družboslovja iz sedmih fakultet treh slovenskih univerz. Rezultati: Opravili smo evalvacijo vprašalnika in za komponente modela izračunali opisne statistike. S pomočjo regresijske analize smo proučili odvisnosti med komponentami modela in izpostavili tiste povezave, ki so se izkazale za statistično značilne. Zaključki: Rezultati empirične raziskave dokazujejo, da ima vseh šest zunanjih spremenljivk, ki smo jih v model vključili, posreden vpliv na obe temeljni komponenti modela TAM. To potrjuje, da izbrane zunanje spremenljivke predstavljajo relevantne dejavnike, ki učinkujejo na uporabo SPSS-a na profesionalnem nivoju. S tega stališča je njihova vključitev v model upravičena. Zaključimo lahko, da je predstavljeni model primeren za analizo sprejetosti SPSS-a med študenti družboslovja. Rezultati, ki jih s tako študijo dobimo, so uporabni predvsem za pedagoge, saj so v pomoč pri izboljševanju študijskega procesa.
Keywords:visokošolsko izobraževanje, statistika, anksioznost zaradi statistike


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  1. Organizacija


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