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Title:Trg dela mladih v Sloveniji
Authors:ID Zupan, Petra (Author)
ID Bernik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Jerebic, Janja (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Zupan_Petra_2017.pdf (1,91 MB)
MD5: CD5EB88C9D4029C826A6A3C9D7ADB8E0
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Mladi na trg dela večinoma vstopajo po končanem šolanju in z aktivnim iskanjem zaposlitve začnejo po dopolnjenem dvajsetem letu starosti. Ta vstop je izredno pomemben, saj dolgoročno vpliva na kariero posameznika. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali trg dela mladih v Sloveniji. Predstavili smo teoretične osnove zaposlovanja in brezposelnosti, ki so ključne za razumevanje zaposljivosti iskalcev zaposlitve in problematike zaposlovanja mladih. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo proučili strokovno domačo in tujo literaturo s področja trga dela, zaposlovanja, brezposelnosti in psihosocialnega vidika brezposelnosti. Predstavili smo delovanje in vlogo Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje, kjer smo se osredotočili predvsem na programe vseživljenjske karierne orientacije, ki jih Zavod nudi mladim. Predstavili smo tudi program Jamstvo za mlade, katerega namen je čim hitrejša aktivacija mladih na trgu dela. Prikazana študija mladih na trgu dela v Sloveniji zajema podatke med letoma 2008 in 2016 kot so: gibanje števila brezposelnih mladih, delovna aktivnost mladih, stopnja brezposelnosti mladih, anketna brezposelnost mladih, razlog prijave, razlog odjave iz evidence brezposelnih, strukturne značilnosti mladih prijavljenih v evidenci Zavoda za zaposlovanje (spol, izobrazba, poklic, trajanje brezposelnosti, območna služba prijave, statistična regija stalnega bivališča), vključevanje mladih v programe Aktivne politike zaposlovanja, posredovanje mladih na prosta delovna mesta, ponudbe v okviru programa Jamstvo za mlade in zaposlovanje brezposelnih mladih. Empirični del naloge je sestavljen iz analize, ki smo jo opravili s pomočjo statističnih podatkov, pridobljenih s strani Zavoda RS za zaposlovanje. Vzorčne podatke smo analizirali s pomočjo programa SPSS. Testi hipotez so pokazali, da se trajanje brezposelnosti mladih ne razlikuje glede na spol, da se obseg delovnih izkušenj mladih razlikuje glede na najvišjo dokončano izobrazbo, da imajo največ delovnih izkušenj tisti mladi, ki imajo zaključeno poklicno izobrazbo, najmanj pa mladi z zaključeno terciarno izobrazbo. Potrdili smo hipotezo, da med obsegom delovnih izkušenj in starostjo brezposelnih mladih obstaja pozitivna povezanost. Prav tako lahko potrdimo, da obstajajo razlike v obsegu delovnih izkušenj mladih glede na spol. Magistrsko nalogo smo zaključili z uporabo metode časovnih vrst za napoved števila brezposelnih mladih za prve tri mesece leta 2017. Pri tem moramo poudariti, da pri izračunih nismo upoštevali sprememb stanja v gospodarstvu in družbi. Gre torej za napovedovanje števila brezposelnih mladih v prihodnjih mesecih zgolj na podlagi števila brezposelnih mladih v preteklih 12 letih.
Keywords:Brezposelnost, Mladi, Zavod RS za zaposlovanje, Vseživljenjska karierna orientacija, Jamstvo za mlade
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65246 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7922195 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.05.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Youth employment in Slovenija
Abstract:Young people mostly enter the labour market after completing their education, and begin to actively look for a job after having reached the age of twenty. This entrance is of great importance because it has a long-term effect on an individual’s career. This dissertation focuses on the youth labour market in Slovenia. It introduces the theoretical grounds of employment and unemployment which are essential for understanding the employability of job seekers and the problem of youth employment. The theoretical part of the dissertation studies the professional Slovenian and foreign literature in the areas of the labour market, employment, unemployment and the psychosocial aspect of unemployment. It introduces the operations and role of the Employment Service of Slovenia, with a special focus on the lifelong career guidance programmes offered to young people by the Employment Service. The Youth Guarantee service, aimed at the introduction of young people into the labour market as rapidly as possible, is also discussed. The study of young people in the labour market in Slovenia shown includes data from 2008 to 2016: the trends in the number of young unemployed, the structural profiles of young people entered in the register of the Employment Service of Slovenia (gender, education, profession, the duration of unemployment, statistical region of residence), the inclusion of young people in programmes of active labour market policies, the orientation of young people to vacant posts, Youth Guarantee Service offer and the employment of the young unemployed. The empirical part of the dissertation consists of an analysis that was carried out with the help of statistical data obtained from the Employment Service of Slovenia. Representative data was analysed by the SPSS program. Testing out the hypotheses showed that the duration of unemployment of young people does not depend of their gender; that the range of work experience of young people depends on the highest level reached in the education system; that young people with vocational training have the most work experience, and young people with tertiary education have the least work experience. The hypothesis that there is a positive correlation between the range of work experience and the age of the young unemployed was proven. It was also shown that there are differences in the range of work experience of young people based on their gender. The dissertation concludes with the use of the time series method to predict the number of young unemployed in the first three months of 2017. It should be noted here that changes in the condition of the economy and society have not been taken into account when making the calculations. It is thus a prediction of the number of young unemployed in the following months made only on the basis of the number of young unemployed in the past 12 years.
Keywords:Unemployment, Young people, Employment Service of Slovenia, Lifelong career guidance, Youth Guarantee Service


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