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Title:Proces priključitve novih merilnih mest na električno distribucijsko omrežje
Authors:ID Šimenko, Urška (Author)
ID Nedelko, Zlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Simenko_Urska_2017.pdf (1,42 MB)
MD5: 851ABA5FB7832D754A22BFD0B5D4C5C2
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Že sama prva beseda v naslovu diplomskega projekta nam daje smernice za celotno spisano delo. Osredotočili smo se na poslovni proces priključitve novih merilnih mest na električno distribucijsko omrežje podjetja E. Diplomski projekt je sestavljen iz teoretičnega in praktičnega dela. Na začetku diplomskega projekta smo opredelili poslovne procese, njihovo povezavo s poslovno odličnostjo, njihove značilnosti ter aktivnosti in sam management poslovnih procesov. Kasneje smo opisali prenovo poslovnih procesov, kakšne cilje s to prenovo lahko dosežemo in faze prenov poslovnih procesov. V zadnjem teoretičnem poglavju smo obravnavali človeške vire v podjetju, ter spisali pomen razvoja zaposlenih za organizacijo. Na koncu diplomskega projekta smo predstavili konkreten poslovni proces podjetja E, ga grafično izrisali, analizirali ter izpostavili problem in poiskali predloge za izboljšanje poslovnega procesa. Kot ključen problem ne tekočega izvajanja poslovnega procesa smo izpostavili nepopolno dokumentacijo. Izboljšan poslovni proces smo opisali, grafično prikazali, pojasnili vpliv prenove na vse udeležence procesa ter zapisali možne težave s katerimi se lahko srečamo pri sami prenovi poslovnega procesa. Za izboljšanje ter dosego dobrega poslovnega procesa moramo proces dodobra analizirati in spoznati, izpostaviti ključne napake ter podati možne odlične poslovne rešitve
Keywords:Poslovni proces, prenova, nepopolna dokumentacija, odjemalci, človeški viri, terminski plan, električno distribucijsko omrežje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[U. Šimenko]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65228 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12883228 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.11.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Connection of new measurements spots on electricity distribution network
Abstract:The major guidelines for the entire work are already indicated in the very first word in the title of the diploma project. Our focus lies on the business process of connecting new measurements spots on electricity distribution network in company E. The diploma project consists of theoretical and practical part. At the beginning of the we have defined business processes integrated with business excellence, their characteristics and activities and the management of business processes itself. Later, we described the business process reengineering, the objectives that can be achieved with this renovation and phases of business process reengineering. The last theoretical chapter discusses human resources in the company and the importance of employees’ development for the organization. At the end of the diploma project we presented a concrete business process of company E by graphical mapping, analyzing, highlighting the problem and finally framing a proposal to improve the business process. The incomplete documentation was subjected as the key problem of non flowing implementation of business process. We described the improved business process and its graphical demonstration, continued with explaining of the reform impact on all the participants in the process. At the end, some potential problems which may be encountered in their own renovation business process were noted. In order to improve and achieve a good business process, it must be thoroughly analyzed and recognized. There is a need to highlight the key errors and to provide excellent business potential solutions
Keywords:Business process, reform, incomplete documentation, customers, human resources, time schedule, electrical distribution network.


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