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Title:Džihad po avtentičnih islamskih virih in njegove zlorabe : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Authors:ID Malkoč, Alen (Author)
ID Sotlar, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Malkoc_Alen_2017.pdf (345,77 KB)
MD5: D76F2E04DA7922F7DC758F41D2B2A2A1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:Da bi lahko presodili, kakšen je namen neke stvari, moramo pridobiti njene verodostojne vire in na podlagi teh virov oblikovati zaključke. V današnjem času, ko so ljudje podvrženi vtisom medijev in številnim drugim informacijam in dezinformacijam, je še toliko pomembneje, da se glede enega izmed najbolj perečih vprašanj, to je vprašanja o džihadu, osredotočimo na verodostojne vire. Ugotovili smo, da džihad v bistvu pomeni napor človeka, ki ga ta vloži v to, da bi izboljšal sebe kot posameznika in kot člana družbe, medtem ko zahodna javnost meni, da je džihad velika, če ne največja grožnja družbi modernega časa. Vendar pa ugotavljamo, da je večina teh ljudi posvetila malo časa proučevanju džihada in ima zato povsem zgrešene vire informacij, ki so večinoma proučili le manjši del džihada, pa še ta je praviloma vzet iz konteksta. Treba je zbrati prave informacije o tem, kar bi vsakdo moral vedeti o džihadu in njegovem izvajanju. Pojem džihad je treba proučiti na podlagi njegovih verodostojnih virov, ki jih v celoti sestavljajo Koran in hadisi (primeri iz življenja Muhammeda naj je Božji mir z njim), in ga predstaviti na tak način, da ga lahko dojame laična javnost – vse to na primeru življenja Muhammeda (naj je Božji mir z njim), ki je najboljši primer, kako se živi islam in izvaja džihad. Muslimani naj bi bili strpni ljudje in naj bi živeli v sožitju z drugimi ljudmi, vendar je mnogo nejasnosti v zvezi s tem, kaj muslimanom zapoveduje Koran. Iz mnogih primerov je razvidno, da ljudje trdijo, da Koran zapoveduje muslimanom, naj ubijajo ljudi, in da ljudje sploh ne vedo, kaj je namen džihada. Razširjena je ideologija, da je Muhammed (naj je Božji mir z njim) širil vero z ognjem in mečem, kar je popolnoma zgrešeno, saj ni prisotne resnične predstave o Koranu in njegovem pozivu k mirnemu in sožitnemu življenju. Nujno je potrebno izobraževanje laične javnosti o vedno večji prisotnosti islama in vsega, kar ta resnično prinaša s seboj.
Keywords:islam, džihad, Koran, hadisi, diplomske naloge
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Malkoč]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:48 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-65062 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3323882 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.03.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Jihad in the authentic islamic sources and it`s abuse
Abstract:In order to judge anything for what it is, we should find it's authentic sources and use them to get to the correct conclusions. Today when the people are under the influence of the media and multiple other informations and misinformations it's that more important that we should turn to the authentic sources of one of the most pressing questions and that is jihad. We found that jihad basicaly means the effort that a person provides, so that he could better himself as a individual being and as a member to society, but the western public shares to opinon, that jihad is a big if not the biggest threat to society of modern time. However we find that most of those people dedicated very little time to that study and that they have completly incorrect sources of information, and have studied only a small fragment of the concept that is jihad, which is by default taken out of contekst. We are talking based on the other thesis and works of popular science, which are »scientificly« presented on the subject of jihad in slovenian society. With that intention we have gathered information and put togheter a currently best version of what each and every person should know about jihad and it's use. In this thesis jihad is taken out of it's authentic sources which consists entirely of the Quran and the Hadith (examples out of the life of Mohammed) and explained it in a manner that the laic public can grasp it. All that with the examples from the life of Mohammed which was the best of examples on how to live islam and among others to implement jihad. Muslims are supposed to be tolerant but there are many things uncleared regarding what does the Quran tell the muslims. In many cases we see that people claim that the Quran orders muslims to kill people and people don't know what is the purpose of jihad. The very common ideology is that Mohammed spread religion with fire and the sword, which is totally wrong, because the real picture is that the Quran and his life stile called to a peaceful and coexisting life. It's of the up most importance that we educate the laic public about the ever growing presence of islam and all of what it truly brings with it.
Keywords:jihad, authentic sources, Qur'an, Hadith, islam, threat to the society tolerance, coexistance.


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