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Title:Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2000
Authors:ID Rebernik, Miroslav (Author)
ID Močnik, Dijana (Author)
ID Rus, Matej (Author)
ID Cregeen, Martin (Translator)
Files:URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/151
.pdf RAZ_Rebernik_Miroslav_i2001.pdf (1,93 MB)
MD5: A236846965811AE1271AB95874CB325F
URL http://epfip.uni-mb.si/publica/rreport/Obs2000.pdf
Work type:Review
Typology:2.12 - Final Research Report
Organization:UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Abstract:Pomen malih in srednjih podjetij je zelo velik in teh podjetij je v evropskem in svetovnem merilu vse več, v njih pa je tudi zaposlenih vse več ljudi. Nobenega dvoma tudi ni, da bo pomen malih in srednjih podjetij še nadalje naraščal, ne nazadnje tudi zaradi tega, ker se z digitalizacijo poslovanja bistveno spreminjajo meje podjetja, razvoj tehnologije, globalizacija poslovanja in splošno zniževanje transakcijskih stroškov pa pripomorejo k temu, da so tudi mala in srednja podjetja vse bolj konkurenčna večjim. Skladno z naraščanjem pomena malih in srednjih podjetij pa seveda narašča tudi potreba po rednem spremljanju njihovega razvoja in po primerjavi med državami. Slovenski podjetniški observatorij je prva tovrstna publikacija v Sloveniji, ki se v celoti posvetila proučevanju tega fenomena. V prvem delu podajamo analizo slovenskih podjetij za leto 1999 po regijah, dejavnostih in velikostnih razredih. V drugem delu primerjamo slovensko gospodarstvo z evropskim gospodarstvom, v tretjem delu pa smo razgrnili nekatere pomembnejše izide terenske raziskave, ki smo jo opravili med slovenskimi podjetji. Publikacija je dvojezična (slovenščina in angleščina).
Keywords:Slovenija, podjetništvo, podjetje, poslovni rezultati, zadolženost, podatki, informacije, statistični podatki, ocenjevanje, mala podjetja, srednja podjetja, zaposlenost, dodana vrednost, dobiček, reševanje problemov, birokracija, uporaba računalnika, Internet, inovacijska dejavnost, primerjave, mednarodne primerjave, Evropa, Evropska unija, Slovenski podjetniški observatorij, poslovna analiza, ovire za poslovanje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Inštitut za podjetništvo in management malih podjetih
Year of publishing:2001
Year of performance:2001
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64923 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:45486593 New window
Note:Small and Medium Sized Companies, Entrepreneurship, Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory, Business Analysis, Performance Barriers
Publication date in DKUM:18.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Slovene entrepreneurship observatory 2000
Abstract:The importance of small and medium sized enterprises is very big, and there are ever more of these enterprises on a European and global scale, with the increasing number of people employed in them. There is also no doubt that the importance of small and medium sized enterprises will further increase, not least because of the widespread use of the internet, the borders of enterprises are changing, and the development of technology, globalisation of business and general reduction of transaction costs contribute to small and medium enterprises which are becoming increasingly competitive. In line with the growing importance of small and medium enterprises is also the growing need for regular monitoring of their development and for comparison between countries. Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory is the first publication of this kind in Slovenia, which is entirely devoted to the study of this phenomenon. The first part presents an analysis of Slovenian companies for the year 1999 by regions, industries and size classes. In the second part, we compare the Slovenian economy with the European economy. In the third part, we discuss some of the more important results of the field research carried out among Slovene enterprises. The publication is bilingual (Slovenian and English).


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