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Title:Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory 2002
Authors:ID Rebernik, Miroslav (Author)
ID Močnik, Dijana (Author)
ID Knez-Riedl, Jožica (Author)
ID Širec, Karin (Author)
ID Rus, Matej (Author)
ID Tominc, Polona (Author)
ID Krošlin, Tadej (Author)
ID Rižnar, Igor (Translator)
ID Manske, Michael (Translator)
Files:URL http://epfip.uni-mb.si/publica/rreport/Obs2002ang.pdf
URL http://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/152
Work type:Fundamental research
Typology:2.12 - Final Research Report
Organization:UZUM - University of Maribor Press
Abstract:Observatory provides an overview and analysis of the current situation in small and medium-sized enterprises in 2001. The situation in Slovenia was compared to that of SMEs in the European Union. In doing this, data gathered in the Observatory of European SMEs has been used, together with its basic methodology, which consists of three areas: standard topics included in the report every year, special in-depth studies chosen each year, and various other topics that may vary through time or represent a supplement to the existing relevant topics. The publication provides a standard review of Slovenian entrepreneurship in 2001 and a detailed description of tax incentives, administrative burdens for small and medium-sized enterprises in the area of recruitment and social responsibility of SMEs. The survey that was carried out was based on 1,153 analyzed responses, which were acquired by sending out 8,176 questionnaires. Study show that Slovenian small and medium-sized enterprises are more often involved in responsible social activities than European one, but also that almost half of small enterprises do not invest in research and development. Our research has also shown high administrative burdens faced by SMEs.
Keywords:Entrepreneurship, Business demography, Comparative analysis, Small and Medium-sized enterprises, Social responsibility, Administrative burdens
Place of publishing:Maribor
Place of performance:Maribor
Publisher:Faculty of Economics and Business, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
Number of pages:63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64919 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:50188289 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Slovenski podjetniški observatorij 2002
Abstract:Ta observatorij podaja pregled in analizo trenutnega stanja v slovenskih malih in srednje velikih podjetij v letu 2001 v primerjavi s položajem MSP v Evropski uniji. Pri tem so bili uporabljeni podatki zbrani v Observatoriju evropskih MSP, skupaj z njeno osnovno metodologijo, ki je sestavljena iz treh področij: standardne teme vključene v poročilo vsako leto, posebne poglobljene študije izbranih področij posameznega leta, in razne druge teme, ki se občasno spreminjajo, ali pomenijo dopolnitev obstoječih pomembnejših tem. Predstavljeni observatorij podaja standardni pregled slovenskega podjetništva v letu 2001 in podroben opis dogajanja na treh področjih: davčne spodbude, administrativna bremena za mala in srednje velika podjetja na področju zaposlovanja ter družbena odgovornost. Izvedena raziskava je temeljila na 1.153 analiziranih odgovorih, ki so bili pridobljeni s pošiljanjem 8.176 vprašalnikov. Študija je med drugim pokazala, da so slovenska mala in srednje velika podjetja pogosteje vključena v družbeno odgovorno dejavnost kot so evropska, kakor tudi, da skoraj polovica malih podjetij ne vlaga v raziskave in razvoj. Pokazala pa je tudi zelo visoka administrativna bremena, s katerimi se soočajo mala in srednje velika podjetja.
Keywords:Slovenija, Evropa, produktivnost, dobiček, davki, davčna politika, zaposlovanje, srednja podjetja, mala podjetja, podjetje, podjetnik, podjetništvo, podjetniška demografija, EU-19, primerjalna analiza, družbena odgovornost, administrativna bremena


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