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Title:Histerezno obnašanje Lebwohl-Lasherjevih rotorjev
Authors:ID Buček, Slavko (Author)
ID Kralj, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.docx DOK_Bucek_Slavko_2017.docx (1,90 MB)
MD5: C2505254ADC8FA5657B1094AA5F3F3B7
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Abstract:V nalogi preučujemo sklopitev med nanodelci in termotropnimi nematičnimi tekočimi kristali (NTK). Slednje obravnavamo kot cilindrično simetrične objekte, ki jih v literaturi pogosto imenujejo kot rotorji. V prvem delu naloge preučujemo vpliv NTK na urejanje dispergiranih ogljikovih nanocevk (ON). Uporabili smo mezoskopski model, v katerem smo NTK opisali z Landau-de Gennesovo teorijo z enoosnim ureditvenim parametrom. Prisotnost ON smo upošteval z Doi-ovo prosto energiji, s katero smo modelirali liotropni značaj ON. Slednja interakcija upošteva t. i. sklopitev izključitvenega volumna. Obravnavali smo primer bi-disperzne porazdelitve ON v limiti šibke sklopitve NTK-ON. V tej limiti na sklopitev dominantno vpliva anizotropija površinske napetosti, medtem ko je interakcija z nematično orientacijsko urejenostjo relativno zanemarljiva. Glede na jakost ON-NTK interakcije smo zasledil dva kvalitativno različna režima obnašanja. V prvem režimu dispergirane ON posedujejo nezvezni prehod iz izotropne v orientacijsko urejeno fazo. V drugem nadkritičnem režimu pa je prehod med fazama postopen. NTK močno vsiljujejo ON stopnjo urejenosti, medtem ko je povratni urejevalni vpliv zanemarljiv. Tako je nematični ureditveni parameter NTK odvisen predvsem od temperature in le šibko od koncentracije ON. V nematični fazi urejenosti daljše ON izkazujejo močnejšo orientacijsko urejenost. V drugem delu naloge smo preučeval histerezno obnašanje NTK pri cikličnem spreminjanju zunanjega urejevalnega polja. Pri tem smo predpostavili, da relativno homogeno dispergirani nanodelci v NTK delujejo kot orientacijsko naključno polje. Takšne primere npr. zasledimo v mešanicah NTK in aerosilnih nanodelcev. Osredotočili smo se na določitev režimov s kvalitativno različnim histereznim odzivom. Pri tem smo spreminjali jakost nematične sklopitve in jakost naključnega polja. Večino raziskav smo izvedli v dveh prostorskih dimenzijah. V teoretični analizi smo uporabili dva različna pristopa. Sistem smo najprej analizirali v približku povprečnega molekularnega polja. V prvem koraku smo analogno s klasično izpeljavo v magnetizmu vpeljali efektivno polje, ki deluje na lokalno nematično urejenost. Slednjo smo opisali s tenzorskim ureditvenim parametrom. V efektivnem polju smo upoštevali prisotnost »povprečnih« sosedov. Predpostavili smo, da sta lastna okvirja tenzorskega efektivnega polja in nematične urejenosti vzporedna in na ta način dobili samo-usklajevalno enačbo. V slednji smo vpeljali povprečenje po orientacijski neurejenosti nanodelcev. V drugem pristopu smo numerično preučevali nematično urejenost za dane vrednosti interakcij v sistemu in nato iz dobljene konfiguracije izračunali povprečni globalni nematični ureditveni parameter. V obeh pristopih smo enačbe reševali numerično pri temperaturi nič. Pri spreminjanju jakosti značilnih interakcij sistema smo dobili kvalitativno različne histerezne zanke in določili področja stabilnosti kvalitativno različnih zank. V obeh pristopih smo dobili kvalitativno podobno obnašanje in pojavile so se samo razlike v kvantitativnem obnašanju. Torej približek molekularnega polja predstavlja v tem primeru relativno zanesljivo in preprosto orodje. Rezultati naloge so potencialno zanimivi za številne aplikacije v nanotehnologiji, ki so osnovane na interakcijah med nematičnimi tekočimi kristali in različnimi nanodelci. V primeru ON bi NTK komponento lahko izkoristili za kontrolirano orientacijsko manipulacijo dispergiranih ON. Tako bi lahko npr. kreirali različne prilagodljive in odzivne vzorce ON s specifičnim makroskopskim obnašanjem. Pri tem bi izkoriščali »mehkobo« NTK komponente in njeno odzivnost na zunanja urejevalna polja in na ograjevalno geometrijo. Po drugi strani bi lahko specifično histerezno obnašanje NTK v cikličnih urejevalnih poljih v prisotnosti nanodelčno generiranega nereda uporabili za različne »mehke« spominske elemente.
Keywords:tekoči kristali, histereza, lebwohl-lasherjev model, mrežna simulacija, nano cevke, povprečno molekularno polje
Place of publishing:[Maribor
Publisher:S. Buček]
Year of publishing:2017
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64830 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:290366976 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.02.2018
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Title:Hysteretic behaviour of Lebwohl-Lasher rotors
Abstract:In the thesis we have examined the coupling of nanoparticles and thermotropic nematic liquid crystals (NLC). The latter are regarded as cylindrically symmetrical objects, often referred to in scientific literature as rotors. In the first part of the thesis we examined the effect of NLC on the ordering of dispersed carbon nanotubes (CN). A mesoscopic model was used, in which NLC were described with the Landau-de Gennes theory with a uniaxial order parameter. Presence of CN was considered with Dois free energy, with which the lyotropic character of CN was modelled. The latter interaction considers the so-called coupling of excluded volume. A case of bi-dispersed distribution of CN was addressed in the weak anchoring limit of NLC-CN. In this limit the anisotropy of surface tension has a dominant effect on the coupling, whereas the interaction with nematic orientation ordering is relatively negligible. Depending on the strength of the NCL-CN interaction two qualitatively different behavioural regimes were detected. In the first regime, the dispersed CN have a discontinuous transition from isotropic to the orientationally ordered phase. In the second supercritical regime, the transition from one phase to the other is gradual. NCL strongly force the degree of ordering to CN, whereas the reverse ordering effect is negligible. It follows that the nematic order parameter of NCL is mostly dependant on temperature and only slightly on the concentration of CN. In the nematic ordering phase the longer CN exhibit a stronger orientation ordering. In the second part of the thesis we examined the hysteretic behaviour of NCL when cyclically changing the external ordering field. We assumed that the relatively homogeneously dispersed nanoparticles in NCL work as an orientationally random field. Such cases can be found for instance in the mixtures of NCL and aerosil nanoparticles. We focused on the determination of regimes with the qualitatively different hysteretic response. This was achieved with the changing of the strength of the nematic coupling and the strength of the random field. Most of the research was conducted in two spatial dimensions. In the theoretic analysis two different approaches were used. In the beginning the system was analysed in the mean field approximation. In the first step, we analogically introduced with a classical derivation in magnetism an effective field, which affects the local nematic ordering. We described the latter with a tension order parameter. In the effective field the "mean" neighbour presence was considered. We assumed that the inherent frames of the tension effective field and nematic ordering are parallel, which produced a self-adapting equation. In the latter, the averaging was introduced on the orientational disorder of nanoparticles. In the second approach, we numerically researched the nematic ordering from the given value of interactions in the system and then calculated the mean global nematic order parameter from the obtained configuration. In both approaches the equations were numerically solved at zero temperature. With the changing of the strength of characteristic interactions of the system we obtained qualitatively different hysteresis loops and determined the areas of stability of qualitatively different loops. In both approaches we obtained qualitatively similar behaviour, differences were evident only in the quantitative behaviour. Thus, the mean field approximation represents, in this case, a relatively reliable and simple tool. Results of the thesis are potentially interesting for numerous applications in nanotechnology, which are based on interactions between nematic liquid crystals and various nanoparticles. In the case of CN, the NCL component could be used for a controlled orientational manipulation of dispersed CN. Thusly different adaptable and responsive patterns of CN could be created with specific macroscopic behaviour.
Keywords:liquid crystals, hysteresis, Lebwohl-Lashers model, lattice simulation, carbon nanotubes, mean field approximation


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