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Authors:ID Pongračić, Katarina (Author)
ID Valh Lopert, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pongracic_Katarina_2016.pdf (2,41 MB)
MD5: C68676F938FB3327379E0F14A812ED48
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrska naloga raziskuje problematiko prevajanja frazemov pod vplivom omejitev podnaslovnega prevajanja, in sicer na podlagi analize podnapisov ameriške nadaljevanke Glee. Frazeme bi lahko poenostavljeno opredelili kot stalne besedne zveze s prenesenim pomenom, ki predstavljajo obsežen del besednega zaklada vsakega jezika in se jih pogosto poslužujemo, če želimo pritegniti pozornost poslušalca ali gledalca. Prevajanje frazemov že v splošnem velja za težavno, saj frazemi v različnih jezikih pogosto niso izraženi z enakimi leksikalnimi sredstvi, tudi če so, pa ni nujno, da nosijo enak pomen, kar lahko površnega prevajalca hitro zavede v neustrezen prevod. Če moramo za nameček poleg tega še upoštevati časovne in prostorske zakonitosti podnaslavljanja, ki predvidevajo obsežno krajšanje besedila, pa je uspešen prenos izhodiščnega frazema v ciljni jezik še toliko težje doseči. Najenostavnejša strategija za prevod frazema, ki obenem ne povzroča prevodnega premika, je uporaba ciljnega frazema, ki ima podoben pomen in obliko kot izhodiščni frazem. Takšne podobnosti vsaj v jezikovnem paru slovenščine in angleščine žal ne srečamo ravno pogosto, zato je prevajalec prisiljen uporabiti druge strategije: frazem s podobnim pomenom in drugačno obliko, parafrazo, izpust ali v skrajni sili tudi dobesedni prevod. Univerzalnega recepta za izbiro ustrezne strategije ni, temveč je ta odvisna od raznih dejavnikov, denimo od konteksta, v katerem se frazem pojavi, morebitnih razlik v konotaciji ali rabi izhodiščnega in ciljnega frazema, sloga prevajalca, pri podnaslavljanju pa seveda tudi od časovnih in prostorskih omejitev.
Keywords:Frazem, idiom, prevajanje, podnaslavljanje, prevajalska strategija, prevodni premik
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Pongračić]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64683 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22923784 New window
Publication date in DKUM:06.02.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis focuses on the difficulties of translating idioms in terms of the implications of subtitling constraints, and is based on the analysis of subtitles of the American TV series Glee. In simple terms, idioms can be defined as conventionalized multi-word combinations with figurative meaning, which are an essential part of the vocabulary of any language, and are often used to spice up a dull text. In general, translation of idioms is considered problematic since idioms in different languages are often not expressed with the same lexical items. However, even if that does occur, that does not necessarily mean that they also automatically convey the same meaning which can quickly mislead a hasty translator into an inappropriate translation. If the translator additionally must deal with the time and space constraints of subtitling, which lead to a considerable reduction of the target text, a successful transfer of the source-language idiom into target language is that much harder to achieve. The most straightforward strategy for translating idioms – which at the same time does not cause any translation shifts – is to use a target-language idiom that has a similar meaning and form than the source-language idiom. The chances of finding an equivalent idiom in the Slovene-English language pair are not very high, therefore, the translator is forced to opt for a different strategy: using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, translation by paraphrase, translation by omission or even direct transfer as a last resort. There is no universal rule for choosing the appropriate strategy since the choice depends on several factors, for instance the context in which an idiom is used, potential differences in connotation or use of source-language and target-language idioms, the translator’s personal style, as well as time and space constraints in subtitling.
Keywords:Phraseme, idiom, translation, subtitling, translation strategy, translation shift


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