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Authors:ID Jamnikar, Špela (Author)
ID Šušek, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Jamnikar_Spela_2016.pdf (1018,93 KB)
MD5: E75AFF8BB07D750519FC22F57DE18257
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Substrat in sorta imata pomemben vpliv na morfološke lastnosti gojenih rastlin. Raziskava v diplomski nalogi je bila opravljena na štirih sortah pokončnih pelargonij: ˋInterspecific dark redˋ, ˋVulkanˋ, ˋTangoˋ in ˋAntonyˋ. Proučevali smo vpliv dveh substratov za gojenje lončnih rastlin: Klasmanov Tonsubstrat substrat (S1) in Fruhstorferjev substrat (S2). Rastline so rastle na gojitvenih mizah na prostem pri rastlinjaku Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede Maribor. Proučili smo, da ima substrat značilen vpliv na rast in razvoj proučevanih sort. Sorti ˋInterspecific dark redˋ in ˋVulkanˋ sta razvili značilno večje število listov v substratu S2, značilno večjo višino pa v substratu S1, medtem ko sta sorti ˋTangoˋ in ˋAnthonyˋ bili bolje olistani v substratu S1. Sorta ima statistično značilen vpliv na bujnost rasti in število cvetov. Značilno bujnejši habitus je v primerjavi z ostalimi sortami tvorila sorta ˋInterspecific dark redˋ. Značilno največ cvetov je tvorila sorta ˋAnthonyˋ, ki je imela za 74 % več cvetov kot sorta ˋInterspecific dark redˋ.
Keywords:pelargonije, Pelargonium zonale, sorte, substrat, morfološke lastnosti
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64664 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Evalution of cultivars of zonal Pelargonium growing in two different substrates
Abstract:Substrates and variety have important impact on morphological characteristics of growing plants. The research in this thesis was carried out on four varieties of zonal Pelargoniums 'Interspecific dark red', 'Vulkan', 'Tango' and 'Antony'. We studied the effect of two substrates for growing pot plants: Klasmanov Tonsubstrat substrate and Fruhstorferjev substrate. Plants were grown on growing tables in the open air by the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences Maribor. We found that the substrate has a significant impact on the growth and development of the studied varieties. Variety 'Interspecific dark red' and 'Vulkan' developed a larger number of leaves in substrate S2 and achieve greater height in substrate S1, while the variety 'Tango' and 'Anthony' had more leaves in the Klassman substrate. The variety has significant impact on growth vigor and number of flowers. Significantly greater habitus when compared with other varieties, formed variety 'Interspecific dark red'. Variety 'Anthony' formed significantly more flowers than others. It formed 74 % more flowers than variety ˋInterspecific dark redˋ.
Keywords:geranium, Pelargonium zonale, varieties, substrate, morphology


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