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Title:Stresni dejavniki pri usposabljanju za delo s helikopterjem in njihov vpliv na učinkovitost usposabljanja : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Sagernik, Boris (Author)
ID Umek, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Sagernik_Boris_2016.pdf (2,18 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security
Abstract:V magistrskem delu »Stresni dejavniki pri usposabljanju za delo s helikopterjem in njihov vpliv na učinkovitost usposabljanja« je poglavitni del naloge predstavitev vpliva stresnih dejavnikov na usposabljanju za delo s helikopterjem ter njihova analiza, ki bo uporabljena pri pripravi novega priročnika za usposabljanje. Analiza vplivov je podkrepljena s strukturiranimi intervjuji in anketnim vprašalnikom. Pridobljeni podatki so bili obdelani s pomočjo statističnih metod. Učinkovitost usposabljanja za delo s helikopterjem je na eni strani odvisna od inštruktorja, ki podaja vsebino usposabljanja ter na drugi strani od fizične in psihične pripravljenosti posameznega udeleženca usposabljanja. Namen magistrskega dela je proučiti predvsem dejavnike stresa, ki vplivajo na učinkovitost usposabljanja in za katere v obstoječem priročniku ni ustrezne podlage. Kakšen vpliv imajo dejavniki (višina, ropot, veter, globina) na usposabljanje in v kakšni meri ti dejavniki vplivajo na delanje začetniških napak, kot so napačno pripenjanje ali pa se udeleženci pozabijo pripeti takrat, ko začenjajo izvajati naloge na helikopterju itd.? Ugotovili smo, da se udeleženci usposabljanja razlikujejo v nevroticizmu. Presenetljivo nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih razlik med udeleženci v nevroticizmu, ki so se vpeli napačno v vrv in tistimi, ki se niso, ampak to je lahko predvsem posledica majhnega vzorca. Ugotavljamo, da stresni dejavniki vplivajo na delo na helikopterju in je zato pri usposabljanju glede te teme, smiselno več pozornosti nameniti gorski policiji, ki je imela višji nevroticizem in je zaznala dejavnike kot bolj stresne od ostalih dveh skupin. Trening oziroma priprava na situacijo ravno tako močno vpliva na stres. Bolje pripravljeni udeleženci z več urami usposabljanj so bolj rutinirani in vsako novo usposabljanje na helikopterju doživljajo manj stresno. Pomembna je tudi kontinuiteta usposabljanja.
Keywords:helikopterji, letalske enote, policija, vojska, usposabljanje, stres, stresni dejavniki, magistrska dela
Place of publishing:[Ljubljana
Place of performance:[Ljubljana
Publisher:B. Sagernik]
Year of publishing:2016
Year of performance:2016
Number of pages:66 str.
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64543 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3284714 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.01.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Stress factors during training with helicopter and their impact on the effectiveness of the training
Abstract:The main part the thesis "Stressful factors in training with a helicopter and their impact on the effectiveness of training" is the presentation of the impact of stress factors on the training with a helicopter. The analysis will be used in the preparation of a new training manual. Impact Analysis is supported by structured interviews and a questionnaire. The data obtained were processed using statistical methods which are presented in the thesis- The effectiveness of the training for the work with a helicopter on one hand depends on the instructor who gives the content of the training and on the other side of the physical and mental readiness of each trainee. The purpose of the tasks in this section is to examine the particular stress factors that affect the effectiveness of training and which in the current manual are not adequately covered. What impact do factors (height, noise, wind, depth) have on training and how these factors affect to the training participants to make the beginner's mistakes, as to attach wrong to the rope, forget to attach when working with helicopter etc. We have identified that the training participants differ in neuroticism. Surprisingly, there were no statistically significant differences among the participants, which were woven into the wrong rope, and those who did not, in neuroticism, but this may be mainly due to the small sample size. We identified that stress factors affecting the work with the helicopter and therefore the training on this subject and therefore it is mutatis mutandis to pay more attention to the mountain police, which had higher neuroticism and perceived factors such as hight, noise, wind and depth as more stressful than the other two groups. Training or preparation to the situation has also a strong impact on the stress. Better prepared players with hours of training are more the routine and each new training with the helicopter experience less stressful. Also important is the continuity of training.
Keywords:helicopter, neuroticism, stress, training, police officers, police officers GPU, soldiers ESD.


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