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Authors:ID Zgonc, Igor (Author)
ID Rajkovič, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Zgonc_Igor_2016.pdf (2,36 MB)
MD5: 42A96A32457AFE90902AFD1D13E3C8D5
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Celovito upravljanje tveganj postaja eden ključnih gradnikov uspešnega vodenja organizacije, ne glede na njeno velikost ali panogo. Organizacije, ki so pri tem uspešnejše, dosegajo bistveno boljše poslovne rezultate. Vprašanje, kako vzpostaviti čim boljši sistem upravljanja tveganj in ga nato še sistemsko nadgrajevati, da postane res učinkovit, je izziv mnogim organizacijam. Predvsem se pojavljajo težave z ljudmi, procesi, ukrepi in podatki. Vse to z velikostjo organizacije tako narašča, da je smiselno obdelovanje teh dejavnikov eden ključnih problemov. Cilj moje raziskave je bil poiskati te pereče probleme in jih poskusiti rešiti oziroma omiliti z učinkovitim programskim orodjem za upravljanje tveganj. Dobre programske rešitve morajo reševati ali odpravljati probleme, ne pa ustvarjati novih. Ustvarjene so na podlagi povratnih informacij s strani uporabnikov. Za uspešno izvedbo je bilo treba najprej preučiti poznane metode, standarde in dobre prakse. Šele nato smo se lahko lotili analize stanja v Sloveniji in svetu ter prepoznavanja tipičnih, poznanih težav. Analiza teh težav omogoča iskanje možnih rešitev in njihov preizkus pri pravih uporabnikih. Z raziskavo je bilo identificiranih veliko težav, ki jih orodje za celovito upravljanje tveganj naslavlja, v bistvu pa le deloma odpravlja. Na koncu največjo dodano vrednost orodju dajejo funkcionalnosti, ki v sami zasnovi orodja sploh niso bile pomembne (npr. združevanje rezultatov več entitet), uporabniki pa prav v njih prepoznajo boljše rezultate zase in organizacijo, v kateri delujejo.
Keywords:upravljanje tveganj, celovito upravljanje tveganj, programsko orodje za upravljanje tveganj, Silver Bullet Risk
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64394 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7714579 New window
Publication date in DKUM:04.10.2016
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Abstract:Comprehensive risk management is becoming one of the key building blocks of effective management of the organization, regardless of its size or sector. Organizations that are more successful at risk management are achieving significantly better business results. How to establish the best possible risk management system and then upgrade the system to become a really effective is a challenge for many organizations. Above all, there are problems with people, processes, measures and data. These factors are growing with the size of the organization and that is why reasonable treatment is one of the key problems. The aim of my research was to find these pressing problems and try to solve or mitigate through effective software tool for enterprise risk management. Good software solutions must resolve and overcome problems rather than create new. They should be based on feedback from users. For successful implementation, it was necessary to examine the known methods, standards and best practices. Only then, we can tackle the analysis of the situation in Slovenia and the world as well as the identification of typical known problems. The analysis of these problems allows searching for possible solutions and testing those with real users. The study identified many of the problems that the tool for comprehensive risk management addresses, but in fact, the problems are only partially eliminated. In the end, the greatest benefit to the tools is functionality that was not so meaningful in the very design (e.g. combining the results of several entities). The users identify functionalities in better outcomes for themselves and the organization in which they operate.
Keywords:risk management, enterprise risk management, software tool for enterprise risk management, Silver Bullet Risk


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