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Title:Vpliv pridelovalnih sistemov na pridelek dveh sort soje
Authors:ID Meglič, Maja (Author)
ID Bavec, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Meglic_Maja_i2016.pdf (393,20 KB)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Pridelovalni sistemi in vključevanje zrnatih stročnic v kolobar lahko vplivajo na višino pridelka zrnja. Trajnostni poljski poskus na Univerzitetnem kmetijskem centru Pivola je zasnovan s ciljem proučevanja vpliva pridelovalnih sistemov na razlike pridelkov alternativnih poljščin, med katerimi je bil leta 2015 tudi poljski poskus dveh sort soje (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Proučevan je vpliv konvencionalnega (KON), integriranega (IP), ekološkega (EKO) in biodinamičnega (BD) pridelovalnega sistema (PS) ter kontrolnega obravnavanja (K) na pridelek dveh sort (S) soje ('Aligator' in 'ES Mentor'). Pridelovalni sistemi statistično značilno vplivajo na nekatere parametre nadzemnih in podzemnih delov dveh sort soje. V integriranem sistemu je dosežen statistično značilno najvišji pridelek zrnja (5,04 kg 10 m -2 ), pri čemer je pridelek zelo zgodnje sorte ('Aligator') višji od zgodnje sorte ('ES Mentor'). Pridelovalni sistem statistično značilno vpliva tudi na gostoto rastlin, maso suhe snovi stebla in listov, na odstotek suhe snovi praznih strokov, maso korenin, maso nodulov, maso suhe snovi nodulov ter na maso suhe snovi zrnja. Značilen vpliv sorte je viden pri višini rastlin, masi in odstotku suhe snovi stebla in listov, masi korenin, masi in odstotku suhe snovi korenin, masi in številu nodulov, masi suhe snovi nodulov, žetvenem indeksu in masi suhe snovi zrnja.
Keywords:soja / pridelovalni sistem / sorta / pridelek
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64122 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The Effect of Production Systems on the Yield of Two Soybean Varieties
Abstract:The production systems and the introduction of grain legumes into crop rotation may affect the grain yields. The long term field trial carried out at the University Agricultural Center Pivola was designed with the aim of studying the effects of production systems on the yield differences in alternative crops. In 2015 there was a field experiment conducted in which two varieties of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) were tested. The effects of conventional (KON), integrated (IP), organic (EKO) and biodynamic (BD) production systems (PS) and a control treatment (K) were studied in yields of two (S) soybean varieties ('Aligator' and 'ES Mentor'). The production systems had a significant effect on some of the measurement of the above-ground and underground parts of two the varieties of soybeans. The IP system produced the significantly highest grain yield (5.04 kg 10 m -2 ) wherein the yield of the very early variety ('Aligator') was higher than the early variety ('ES Mentor'). The production system had a significant impact on the plant density, the weightof stem and leave dry matter, the percentage of empty pod dry matter, the mass of root, the mass of nodules, the weight of nodule dry matter and the weight of the grain dry matter. The significant impact of the plant variety became evident through plant height, the mass and percentage of stem and leave dry matter, the mass ofroot, the mass and percentage of root dry matter, the mass and the number of nodules, the dry matter weight of nodules, the harvest index and the weight of the grain dry matter.
Keywords:soybean / production system / variety / yield


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