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Authors:ID Rajčević, Jasna (Author)
ID Tratnik, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Rajcevic_Jasna_2016.pdf (850,99 KB)
MD5: 2E43F9DE89881C6A8C952EA7D5910732
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena pridobitev lastninske pravice na nepremičninah po pravilih italijanskega in slovenskega pravnega reda. Pri tem je potrebno poudariti, da italijansko pravo pozna dva različna načina vpisa in javne objave podatkov o lastninski pravici na nepremičninah in sicer sistem zemljiškega katastra (catasto tavolare) kot tudi sistem zemljiške knjige (sistema del libro fondario). Gre torej za neenoten pravni sistem, ki ga slovensko pravo ne pozna. Naše pravo glede vpisa in javne objave lastninske pravice na nepremičninah pozna le zemljiško knjigo. Različnost neenotne pravne ureditve vpisa in javne objave lastninske pravice na nepremičninah v italijanskem pravnem redu je posledica zgodovinskih razmer in različne jurisdikcije. Družbene razmere v preteklosti so oblikovale tako slovenski kot italijanski način pridobitve lastninske pravice ter posledično njeno publikacijo. Zaznati je strogo prisotnost notarjev pri sklepanju pravnih poslov v italijanskem pravnem redu in precej manjšo vlogo notarjev pri sestavi listin v slovenskem pravnem redu. Ravno tako je opaziti izjemno razliko pri pogojih za priposestvovanje lastninske pravice na nepremičninah, kjer italijanski pravni red favorizira posestnika in ne lastnika. Pri obeh pravnih redih pa je v današnjem obdobju moč opaziti tendenco, ki spodbuja takojšnjo intabulacijo lastninske pravice v javne knjige, česar v preteklosti zaradi družbenih razmer ni bilo zaznati. Zaradi ekonomskih in fiskalnih zahtev ter računalniške dobe so ljudje vendarle seznanjeni s posledicami, ki jih povzroči dejstvo, ko lastninska pravica ni intabulirana v javno knjigo.
Keywords:nepremičnine, priposestvovanje, zemljiška knjiga, pridobitev lastninske pravice, pravni posli, zemljiški kataster, Italija, Slovenija.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Rajčević]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64083 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5332523 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.11.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:This thesis represents the Acquisition of Property Rights following the rules laid down by the Italian and Slovene Legal Framework. It should be noted that according to Italian law there are two different methods of entry and publication of data ownership, namely the Cadastral System (Land Registry) and the Land Register System (sistema del libro fondario). Therefore, this is an un-uniform system, unknown to the Slovenian law. With regard to the entry and publication of data ownership our law only knows the Land Register. The diversity of an un-uniform regulation of entry and publication of data ownership in the Italian legal system is the result of historical circumstances and a different jurisdiction. In the past, both the Slovenian and the Italian way of acquiring property rights and consequently their publication was shaped by Social Conditions. In the Italian legal system there is a strong presence of Notaries in the context of the conclusion of legal transactions compared to a much smaller role of Notaries of Slovenia in drawing up legal documents in the Slovene legal order. But it is also very easy to see a huge difference in the Prescription and Title to Moveable Property, where the Italian legal system favours the occuppant and not the owner. In the present period, both legal orders show a tendency in favour of an entry in the propery register made immediately upon filing, never seen before due to Social Conditions. However, due to economic and fiscal requirements and compter age, people are aware of the consequences caused by the fact of the right of ownership is note entered in the Public Register.
Keywords:property, acquisitive prescription, Land Registry, acquisition of property rights, legal affairs, land cadastre, Italy, Slovenia.


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