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Authors:ID Slak, Mateja (Author)
ID Rozman, Črtomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Slak_Mateja_2016.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: 46E558B40F3820B45337D12F7BD54433
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:Proizvajalci jabolk se dandanes vedno bolj trudijo, da bi bila njihova proizvodnja ekonomsko upravičena. Vedno več pa se jih trudi tudi, da bi proizvajali ne samo veliko, ampak tudi kvalitetno. Ekološka pridelava prehiteva konvencionalno v smislu večjega povpraševanja in tudi vse večje ponudbe. Tudi konvencionalna pridelava je lahko ekonomsko upravičena in lahko posluje z velikim dobičkom. Le njihovi stroški so v primerjavi z ekološko pridelavo višji. Na podlagi vseh pridobljenih podatkov obeh proizvajalcev je bila v diplomski nalogi narejena analiza stroškov, model kalkulacije, pregled indikatorjev ekonomske upravičenosti in potrditev uspešnosti poslovanja. Narejena je bila tudi analiza občutljivosti lastne cene in finančnega rezultata obeh proizvajalcev. Glede ne vse izračune lahko trdimo, da je v obeh primerih proizvodnja ekonomsko upravičena (ekološka pridelava; Ke znaša 1,25, konvencionalna pridelava; Ke znaša 1,31) in da obe proizvodnji poslujeta dobičkonosno.
Keywords:ekološka pridelava, konvencionalna pridelava, ekonomska upravičenost, lastna cena, finančni rezultat.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-64041 New window
Publication date in DKUM:11.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the economic viability of organic and conventional apple production
Abstract:Apple producers today are taking greater care about making their production economically viable. Number of those that are trying to get better quality and not just quantity is also on the rise. Organic production has surpassed conventional production in matters of greater demand and rising product range. Conventional production can also be economically viable and can achieve great profit. Major difference between the conventional and organic production are lower costs for the latter. All of the obtained information from both types of apple producers has been used in this work to conduct a cost analysis, calculation model, review of indicators of economic viability and acquire confirmation of business performance. Analysis of the sensitivity of cost price and financial results of both producers has also been done. Taking all of the calculations into account a claim can be made, that both types of apple production are economically viable (organic production; ekonomic viability is 1,25, conventional production; ekonomic viability is 1,31) and profitable.
Keywords:organic production, conventional production, economically viable, cost price, financial results.


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