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Title:Analiza znanj potrebnih za uvajanje malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav
Authors:ID Markošek, Breda (Author)
ID Urh, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vuk, Drago (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Markosek_Breda_2016.pdf (2,10 MB)
MD5: 6C6844C46053CFC72948C8F5362A6790
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Varovanje okolja mora postati osrednja naloga vsake dejavnosti in našega življenja. Tudi človekovega bivanja in rabe naravnih virov. Izmed teh je voda največje bogastvo, brez nje pa ni življenja. Z vse večjo porabo vode se povečujejo tudi odpadne vode, katerih iztoki ponikajo v podtalje in onesnažujejo naše podtalnice, vodne vire in vodotoke. Z osveščanjem ljudi in uvajanjem tehnično dovršenih in individualnih rešitev je postala gradnja malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav tehnično nezahtevna, cenovno dostopna in prostorsko kompatibilna. Glede na zakonodajo je potrebno urediti odpadne vode pri vseh objektih, kjer nastaja komunalna odpadna voda, in na območjih, kjer ne bo zgrajena skupna čistilna naprava z javno kanalizacijo. Gre za ureditev odpadnih voda na območjih razpršene poselitve, v manjših naseljih in zaselkih. Rok za ureditev je do 31. 12. 2021, ki pa velja tudi za gradnjo skupnih večjih čistilnih naprav nad 50 PE, katere morajo v naseljih, določenih s strani države, do tega datuma zgraditi občine. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali, kakšno je stanje na področju uvedbe malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav pod 50 PE v občinah. V Sloveniji je veliko občin z izrazito razpršeno poselitvijo, kjer ne bo skupnih javnih čistilnih naprav in kanalizacij. Na vseh teh območjih bo potrebno urediti odpadne vode skladno s predpisi o varstvu okolja z vgradnjo malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav ali z ureditvijo nepretočnih greznic. Z nalogo smo potrdili tezo, da je gradnja malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav finančno dosegljiva in najbolj primerna rešitev čiščenja odpadnih voda na območjih razpršene poselitve. Z ugotovitvami smo potrdili tudi to, da je uspešnost uvajanja malih komunalnih čistilnih naprav odvisna od splošne informiranosti in poznavanja tehnologije tako s strani uporabnikov kot tudi drugih udeležencev v postopkih gradnje, še posebno pa je odvisna od finančne pomoči občin in države pri zagotavljanju čiščenja odpadnih voda tudi tam, kjer ne bo javnega kanalizacijskega sistema.
Keywords:- okolje, - čiščenje odpadnih voda, - mala komunalna čistilna naprava, - občina, - kompetence, - znanje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63856 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7808787 New window
Publication date in DKUM:25.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of knowledge needed for the implementation of small wastewater treatment plants
Abstract:Protecting the environment must become a key task of every activity and our lives. Even human existence and use of natural resources. Of these, water is the greatest asset, and without it, there is no life. With increasing water consumption, wastewater discharges are also increasing, sinking into the subsoil and contaminating our groundwater, water resources and watercourses. Raising awareness of people and the introduction of technically sophisticated and individual solutions, the construction of small sewage treatment plants has become technically easy, affordable and space-compatible. According to the law, it is necessary to regulate the wastewater in all facilities where urban wastewater emerges, and in areas where no common wastewater treatment plant with public sewage system will be built. It is about wastewater regulation in areas of scattered settlements, small villages and hamlets. The deadline for regulation is 31. 12. 2021, which also applies to the construction of common major wastewater treatment plants over 50 PE that municipalities should build by that date in areas designated by the government. In this thesis, we investigate what is the situation in the area of the creation of small sewage treatment plants under 50 PE in municipalities. In Slovenia, there are many municipalities with highly dispersed settlement where there will be no common public wastewater treatment plants and sewers. In all these areas it will be necessary to regulate the wastewater in accordance with regulations on environmental protection with the installation of small sewage treatment plants or the arrangement of non-flow-through septic tanks. The thesis confirmed the hypothesis that the installation of small sewage treatment plants is financially accessible and the most convenient solution for cleaning wastewater in areas of dispersed settlement. Our findings also confirmed that the successful implementation of small sewage treatment plants depends on the overall information and knowledge of technology with users, as well as other participants in the process of installation, and it especially depends on financial assistance of municipalities and the government in the provision of wastewater treatment, even where there will not be a public sewage system.
Keywords:- environment, - wastewater treatment, - small sewage treatment plant, - municipality, - competencies, - knowledge.


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