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Title:Ugotavljanje pretoka vode v rozgah nekaterih sort vinske trte
Authors:ID Germšek Kotnik, Sabina (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Borut (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Germsek_Kotnik_Sabina_2016.pdf (1,06 MB)
MD5: E4C7647031F45D2E6F8A59133F4496F1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2007 in 2008 smo na Univerzitetnem centru za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Meranovo ugotavljali pretok vode skozi rozge pri nekaterih sortah vinske trte. Poskus je bil opravljen na dveh dolžinah rozg (10 cm in 5 cm) in merjen v treh datumih/terminih (18. 12. 2007, 12. 2. 2008, 10. 4. 2008) pri štirih sortah vinske trte (Vitis vinifera L. 'Rumeni muškat', 'Ranina', 'Sauvignon' in 'Laški rizling'). Cilj tega dela je bil ugotoviti vpliv položaja nodijev (na vrhu, v sredini rozge in spodaj) in internodija ter dolžine odrezanega kosa rozge, kakor tudi sorte na pretok vode skozi rozgo v času mirovanja in solzenja vinske trte. Večji povprečni pretok vode skozi rozgo je bil pri krajših kosih rozg (5 cm). Največji pretok vode je bil v času solzenja 10. 4. 2008 pri vseh štirih sortah. Pretok vode se je zmanjševal od spodaj proti vrhu rozge (največji na 2. nodiju, najmanjši od 7.–10. nodija na rozgi) in naraščal odvisno od faze razvoja, od zimskega mirovanja do solzenja.
Keywords:vinska trta, pretok vode, rozga, fenofaze
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63807 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Determining the flow of water in the canes of some vine varieties
Abstract:In 2007 and 2008, at the University Centre for Viticulture and Enology Meranovo, we determined the water flow in the canes of some vine varieties. The experiment was carried out on two lengths of canes (10 cm and 5 cm) and measured on three dates (18th of December 2007, 12th of February 2008, 10th of April 2008) on four varieties of vine (Vitis vinifera L. ̍̍Yellow muscadine', 'Bouvier', 'Sauvignon blanc' and 'Welschriesling'). The aim of this work was to determine the impact of the position of the nodes (higher up, in the middle of the cane and at the bottom), the internode and the length of the cut piece of cane as well as of the variety on the water flow through the cane during the winter dormancy and the bleeding of the vine. A higher average water flow through the cane was determined for shorter pieces of canes (5 cm). The highest water flow was determined during the time of the bleeding of the vine on the 10th of April 2008 at all four varieties. The water flow decreased from the bottom to the top of the cane (the highest at the second node; the lowest at the seventh to the tenth nodes of the cane) and increased depending on the development stage, from the winter dormancy to the bleeding of the vine.
Keywords:vine, flow of water, cane, Phenology


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