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Title:Analiza uporabe emajla kot zaščite za betonsko jeklo
Authors:ID Lenkič, Igor (Author)
ID Goršek, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Finšgar, Matjaž (Comentor)
ID Lešer, Tadej (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Lenkic_Igor_2016.pdf (4,33 MB)
MD5: D7030C767FB746D855A565D27A2F6789
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Diplomsko delo temelji na proučitvi smiselnosti uporabe emajla kot alternative obstoječim metodam protikorozijske zaščite betonskega jekla. Na podlagi znanstvenih objav smo najprej določili oksidne sestave frit, nato pa k vsaki friti na eksperimentalen način določili pripadajoče optimalne pogoje žganja (čas, temperatura). Ob upoštevanju teh pogojev smo pripravili dve seriji emajliranih vzorcev betonskega jekla: prvi sklop raziskave je obsegal vzorce namenjene ugotavljanju mehanskih lastnosti emajliranega jekla, drugi sklop pa analizi protikorozijskih lastnosti emajlov. Ugotovitve mehanskih lastnosti emajliranega betonskega jekla, ki smo jih izvedli na natezni napravi kažejo, da so emajli sposobni slediti raztezanju jekla do dosežene meje plastičnosti. Na točki, kjer se betonsko jeklo začne plastično preoblikovati, se ves emajl zdrobi v prah in s površine odpade v celoti. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima temperatura žganja odločilen vpliv na znižanje natezne trdnosti emajliranih jekel. Izguba natezne trdnosti, ki nastopi zaradi toplotne obdelave jekla med postopkom emajliranja, lahko v nekaterih primerih doseže tudi 15 %, medtem ko je vpliv žganja na znižanje meje plastičnosti mogoče oceniti na največ 7 %. Protikorozijske lastnosti emajlov smo analizirali z uporabo elektrokemijskih metod kot so kronopotenciometrija, polarizacijska upornost, elektrokemijska impedančna spektroskopija in ciklična polarizacija. Z meritvami polarizacijske upornosti smo pri nekaterih fritah dosegli tudi do 50–kratno povečanje polarizacijske upornosti. Rezultati ciklične polarizacije kažejo, da smo pripravili frito, ki je nosilec repasivizacijskih lastnosti. Slednja ugotovitev je presenetljiva, saj inertni sloji običajno ne omogočajo repasivizacije.
Keywords:betonsko jeklo, protikorozijska zaščita, armiran beton, emajl, frite
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[I. Lenkič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63714 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20326678 New window
Publication date in DKUM:14.10.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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Secondary language

Title:Investigation of corrosion resistance of the enamel–coated concrete reinforcing steel bars
Abstract:The diploma thesis surveys the usage of enamel coatings as alternative to existing methods of reinforcing steel corrosion protection. Following the review of scientific works, optimal oxide compositions of frits were determined. Experimental determination of corresponding firing conditions (time, temperature) for all frits were carried and two series of enameled samples were prepared. The loss of mechanical properties of enameled steel resulted due to exposure to firing conditions was investigated. Finally, the study of corrosion behaviour of coated samples was conducted. The results have shown enamels are able to follow the expansion of tensile strained steel up to its yield strength point. Exceeding that point results in disintegration of enamel structure leading enamels to fall apart completely. Measurements have shown firing temperature to have a prevailed influence on the reduction of tensile strength of enameled steel. Exposure to severe firing conditions might lead to loss of yield and tensile strength of reinforcing steel up to 7 % and 15 % respectively. Corrosion resistance properties of enameled samples were observed using widely used techniques such as chronopotentiometry, polarization resistance, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic polarization. Measurements of polarization resistance have shown some frits are able to increase polarization resistance up to 50–fold compared to blank (uncoated) steel. By utilizing a cyclic polarization technique we have detected a frit with repassivization ability. Since inert materials are usually not carriers of repassivization properties, this discovery might be valuable for future research and development of reinforcing steel coatings.
Keywords:reinforcing steel, anti corrosion resistance, reinforced concrete, enamel, frits


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