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Title:Optimizacija razmestitve kaliber na valjih in pripadajočih dovodnih skrinj za valjanje okroglih jeklenih profilov z uporabo genetskega algoritma
Authors:ID Gračnar, Anemari (Author)
ID Brezočnik, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kovačič, Miha (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Gracnar_Anemari_2016.pdf (4,04 MB)
MD5: EB79C4927A3F2430854AC7A5030269B1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Abstract:Optimizacija je v današnjem konkurenčnem in hitro odzivnem okolju bistvena za doseganje najboljših rezultatov in uspešno poslovanje. V podjetju Štore Steel d.o.o. nenehno stremijo k izboljšavam in povečanju produktivnosti posameznih proizvodnih obratov. V tem magistrskem delu se optimizacija nanaša na valjarno, in sicer na proces valjanja okroglih profilov jeklenih palic. Pri valjanju za preoblikovanje obdelovanca uporabljamo valjarska ogrodja, v katera so vstavljeni valji. Valji imajo po svojem obodu postružene oblike-kalibre, s katerimi z natančnim vodenjem valjanca neposredno v kalibro dajemo valjancu novo obliko in dimenzijo prereza. Vodenje se izvaja s skrinjami, ki so montirane na ogrodjih, pred in za valjem. Pri prehodu valjanja iz ene dimenzije na drugo se v sistemu pojavi prilagoditev posameznih valjev, tako da bomo z novo postavitvijo dosegli želeno dimenzijo. Ob tem se pojavi tudi prestavitev skrinj, tako da vodijo valjanec v zahtevano kalibro. Z analizo valjanja, opreme, s katero ga izvajamo, in planov, ki ji v proizvodnem procesu upoštevamo, smo iskali optimizacijo razmestitve kaliber na valjih ob montaži več skrinj na ogrodje. S tem smo želeli zmanjšati število menjav skrinj in zastoje, ki jih menjava povzroči. Z analizo valjev, kaliber in pripadajočih skrinj smo ugotovili glavne pogoje za optimizacijo. Za iskanje rešitve smo uporabili genetski algoritem. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil zmanjšati število menjav za 20 %, s predstavljeno optimizacijo pa se je število menjav zmanjšalo za 36,3 %. S tem je zastavljeni cilj dosežen. 
Keywords:valjanje, optimizacija, razmestitev kaliber, genetski algoritmi
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Gračnar]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63597 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20164118 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.10.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FS
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Secondary language

Title:Optimizing classification of caliber on rolls and corresponding rolling mill guides-for rolling round steel profiles using genetic algorithm
Abstract:In today's competitive and highly responsive environment optimization is crucial for achieving the best results and successful conduct of business. Štore Steel d.o.o. strives to better and optimize the productivity of each individual production site. The optimization discussed in this master's thesis refers to the rolling mills namely to the process of rolling round profiles of metal rods. When rolling steel for the purpose of transforming a workpiece we use rolling frames with cylinders. The cylinders have sculpted shapes-calibers all over their circumference. Through precise guiding of the rolled product directly to the caliber we give the rolled product a new shape and a new dimension of the cross-section. The guiding is done with the help of the rolling mill guides that are attached to the rolling frames which are located before and after the cylinder. In rolling, when transitioning from one dimension to another, the adjustment of individual cylinders appears in the system in such a way that we will achieve the desired dimension with the new setting. The rolling mill guides move in such a way that they guide the rolled product in to the desired caliber. By analyzing the rolling process, the equipment with which the rolling is done and the plans of the rolling process, we searched for the optimization of the caliber layout on the cylinders with multiple rolling mill guides on the framework. With this we wanted to minimize the number of moving the rolling mill guides by 20 % and the halts such a move causes. By analyzing the cylinders, calibers and the corresponding rolling mill guides we found the main conditions for optimization. When searching for the solutions we modeled a genetic algorithm. The goal of this thesis was to minimize the moving of the rolling mill guides by 20%. With the before mentioned optimization the number of the moves decreased by 36,3%. With this the goal of the thesis is achieved.
Keywords:rolling mill, optimization, classification of calibers, genetic algorithm


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