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Title:Sustainable refurbishment of Martin Konšak Primary School in Maribor
Authors:ID Babuka, Hristijan (Author)
ID Žegarac Leskovar, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Premrov, Miroslav (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Babuka_Hristijan_2016.pdf (136,70 MB)
MD5: B615E64C6571A134AD0B3C091F46DEBF
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:The thesis tends to present a comprehensive approach for sustainable refurbishment of primary schools, treating Martin Konšak Primary School in Maribor as a case study. The first part provides theoretical framework in which understanding of the sustainable refurbishment of schools is formed. Moreover, energy-efficient and sustainable principles of design are introduced. The following part deals with detailed analysis of the existing school. The investigation extends from site analysis - climate conditions, orientation, and urban context - to school building analysis, which includes an overview of the history and the current situation of the school, architectural evaluation, and energy analysis, resulting in summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing building. The final part synthesizes the knowledge and proposes a final design solution for sustainable refurbishment of the school. The refurbishment concept involves renovation or demolition of particular elements and extension of the building's volume. Furthermore, it covers energy-efficient design principles and passive and active strategies to reduce energy consumption of the building and improve its environmental performance. The thesis concludes with simulations of building's energy use before and after the refurbishment.
Keywords:sustainable refurbishment, sustainable school, school refurbishment, architecture, energy efficiency, thermal envelope, energy performance.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[H. Babuka]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63183 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20038934 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.09.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FG
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Secondary language

Title:Trajnostna prenova Osnovne šole Martina Konšaka v Mariboru
Abstract:Magistrsko delo se nagiba k temu, da predstavi celovit pristop za trajnostno prenovo osnovnih šol, podrobneje obravnava Osnovno šolo Martina Konšaka v Mariboru kot študijo primera. Prvi del naloge vsebuje teoretični okvir, v katerem se ustvarja podlago za razumevanje trajnostne prenove šol. Poleg tega, prikazana so načela energijsko učinkovitega in trajnostnega načrtovanja. Naslednji del se ukvarja s podrobno analizo obstoječega stanja. Preiskava zajema vse od analize lokacije - klimatski pogoji, orientacija in mestno okolje - do analize šolske stavbe, ki vključuje pregled zgodovine in obstoječega stanja šole, arhitekturno vrednotenje in energijsko analizo stavbe. Prednosti in slabosti obstoječega objekta so predstavljeni kot povzetek analitičnega dela. Zadnji del je projektantski del naloge, ki sintetizira znanja in predlaga rešitev za trajnostno prenovo šole. Koncept vsebuje prenovo ali rušenje posameznih elementov, prav tako nadgradnjo šole. Poleg tega, vključuje metode energijsko učinkovitega načrtovanja ter pasivne in aktivne strategije za zmanjšanje porabe energije v stavbi in izboljšanje njen vpliv na okolje. Magistrska naloga se zaključi s simulacijo porabe energije stavbe pred in po prenovi.
Keywords:trajnostna prenova, trajnostna šola, prenova šole, arhitektura, energijska učinkovitost, termični ovoj, energijski izkaz.


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