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Title:Sinteza sistemov z maksimiranjem trajnostne neto sedanje vrednosti
Authors:ID Širovnik, David (Author)
ID Kravanja, Zdravko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Čuček, Lidija (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Sirovnik_David_2016.pdf (10,71 MB)
MD5: 0ED6C5784447EB4F1630325E2F41B9E1
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava uporabo koncepta trajnostne neto sedanje vrednosti kot novega merila in kriterija za merjenje trajnosti ob upoštevanju ekonomskega, okoljskega in socialnega vidika (Širovnik in drugi, 2016). Namreč, pri sintezi trajnostnih sistemov, kjer je veliko število alternativ, so potrebni takšni kriteriji, ki omogočajo dobiti najboljšo rešitev z enokriterijskim optimiranjem. V prvem delu z ustreznim sestavljanjem različnih kriterijev predstavljamo pretvorbo večkriterijskega problema v enokriterijski s konceptom trajnostne neto sedanje vrednosti. Z maksimiranjem trajnostne neto sedanje vrednosti je mogoče dosegati optimalno ravnovesje med ekonomskimi, okoljskimi in socialnimi kriteriji. V drugem delu je predstavljena uporaba koncepta trajnostne neto sedanje vrednosti iz mikro in makroekonomskih vidikov na primerih dobavnih omrežij: i) oskrbovalno omrežje bioplina iz živalskih odpadkov na nivoju podjetja in ii) regionalno dobavno omrežje za proizvodnjo biogoriv na nivoju večje regije (na primeru Srednje Evrope). Rezultati kažejo, da so dobavna omrežja za proizvodnjo bioplina in biogoriv na regionalnem nivoju trajnostne tako z mikroekonomskega kot tudi iz makroekonomskega vidika.
Keywords:sinteza procesov, trajnostni vidik, trajnostna neto sedanja vrednost, večkriterijsko optimiranje, dobavno omrežje, dobavno omrežje proizvodnje bioplina, regionalno dobavno omrežje proizvodnje biogoriv
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Širovnik]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-63019 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19887126 New window
Publication date in DKUM:18.10.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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Secondary language

Title:System synthesis by maximizing sustainability net present value
Abstract:The master's thesis deals with the application of the concept of sustainability net present value as a new metric and the criterion for measuring the sustainability taking into account the economic, environmental and social points of view (Širovnik et al., 2016). Namely, in the synthesis of sustainable systems, where large numbers of alternatives are possible, those criteria are needed that allow obtaining the best solution by using single-objective optimization. First part presents the converting of a multi-objective problem into a single-objective one by composing different sustainability criteria. The concept of sustainability net present value was applied. An optimal balance between economic, environmental and social criteria can be obtained by maximizing sustainability net present value. The second part presents the application of the concept of sustainability net present value from the micro- and macro-economic perspectives on two cases of supply networks: i) supply network of biogas production from animal waste at the company level and ii) regional supply network for the production of biofuels at the level of larger region (Central Europe). Results show that supply networks for production of biogas and biofuels at regional level are sustainable from both the micro-economic and the macro-economic perspectives.
Keywords:process synthesis, sustainability, sustainability net present value, multi-objective optimization, single-objective optimization supply network, supply network of biogas production, regional supply network of biofuel production


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