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Authors:ID Kous, Katja (Author)
ID Polančič, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf EDOK_Kous_Katja_2016.pdf (5,25 MB)
MD5: D25F4AB1FB6D937A15BF50A527EA5C14
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Abstract:Doktorska disertacija naslavlja problematiko spletne dostopnosti, ki dobiva vse večjo veljavo ob predpostavki vsesplošne dostopnosti. Spletna dostopnost predstavlja kritično točko predvsem za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. S tem namenom se v sklopu doktorske disertacije osredotočimo na povečanje spletne dostopnosti s pomočjo podporne tehnologije, integrirane v spletne uporabniške vmesnike. V ospredje postavljamo disciplino uporabniškega inženiringa, natančneje preverjanja uporabnosti v kombinaciji s specifično skupino oseb – oseb brez in oseb z disleksijo. Cilj doktorske disertacije je pridobiti oceno uporabnosti spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov z integrirano podporno tehnologijo. Na osnovi rezultatov sistematičnega pregleda literature je bilo ugotovljeno, da obstajajo modeli in metode za preverjanje uporabnostni, vendar ne obstaja model ocenjevanja, ki bi omogočal pridobivanje ocene primernosti spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov za ciljno skupino uporabnikov (osebe z disleksijo). S tem namenom smo na osnovi rezultatov raziskav s področja (1) specifičnih značilnosti oseb z disleksijo, (2) težav, ki jih imajo pri spletni dostopnosti in (3) smernic za povečanje spletne dostopnosti pri osebah z disleksijo, izdelali model ocenjevanja za merjenje primernosti, ki predstavlja dopolnitev k obstoječemu modelu preverjanja uporabnosti. Izveden eksperiment je omogočil empirično pridobitev komparativnih rezultatov končnih uporabnikov o uporabnosti spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov brez aktivirane in z aktivirano podporno tehnologijo. Rezultati so pokazali, da podporna tehnologija ne vpliva na preverjanje splošnih ciljev uporabnosti (torej na uspešnost, učinkovitost in splošno zadovoljstvo) pri nobeni skupini uporabnikov. Rezultati specifičnih ciljev, pridobljeni z novo nastalim modelom ocenjevanja, kažejo, da so osebe brez disleksije bolj naklonjene uporabi spletnih uporabniških vmesnikov brez aktivirane podporne tehnologije, medtem ko uporaba podporne tehnologije pri osebah z disleksijo omogoči boljšo vsebinsko predstavitev informacij. Znanje pridobljeno tekom priprave doktorske disertacije je možno implicirati v realno okolje. Z namenom nadaljnjega aplikativnega raziskovanja je na osnovi sinteze znanja in izdelave modela CAT (angl. Comprehensive Assistive Technology model) podana idejna zasnova za razširitev komponente podporne tehnologije za osebe z disleksijo, katera je nujno potrebna za povečanje spletne dostopnosti. Na osnovi ugotovitev o primernosti metode preverjanja uporabnosti je možno podati priporočila za prilagoditev metode, kadar so v preverjanje vključene osebe z disleksijo.
Keywords:spletna dostopnost, preverjanje uporabnosti, model ocenjevanja, podporne tehnologije integrirane v uporabniške vmesnike, končni uporabniki, osebe z disleksijo, priporočila za razvoj podporne tehnologije integrirane v spletni uporabniški vmesnik, priporočila za metodo preverjanja uporabnosti za osebe z disleksijo.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[K. Kous]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62669 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:19819542 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.09.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FERI
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Secondary language

Abstract:This dissertation addresses issues of web accessibility, which is gaining prominence assuming general accessibility is provided. Web accessibility presents the breaking point, especially for people with special needs. For that purpose, the dissertation focuses on web accessibility increase through assistive technology, integrated in the web user interface. The discipline of usability engineering is set in the foreground, more specifically the usability testing in combination with specific groups of people – people without dyslexia and people with dyslexia. The aim of the dissertation is to obtain an assessment of web user interface usability with integrated assistive technology. Based on the results of a systematic literature review, it was established that there are models and methods for testing usability. However, none of them were dedicated for assessing the suitability of web user interfaces for the users` target group (people with dyslexia). An assessment model for evaluating the suitability of web user interfaces was created based on the investigation results of (1) Characteristics of people with dyslexia, (2) Their issue with web accessibility and (3) Guidelines for increased web accessibility for people with dyslexia. The assessment model presents an extension to the existing model for usability testing. An experiment enabled the empirical validation of the newly created model, obtaining comparative results of end-users about the usability of user interfaces with, as well as without, activated assistive technology. The results showed that the assistive technology has no influence on verification of the general objectives of usability (i.e. effectiveness, efficiency and overall satisfaction) in any of the user groups. The results of specific objectives, obtained with the newly created model, showed that people without dyslexia prefer to use a web user interface without activated assistive technologies, while the use of assistive technologies for people with dyslexia enables better presentation of content information. The scientific knowledge acquired during the dissertation preparation can be applied in the real environment. By considering the synthesis of knowledge and production of a CAT model (a Comprehensive Assistive Technology model), a concept is provided for the extension of assistive technology components. Based on the findings on the suitability of the used method for usability testing, adaptation recommendations of the method are presented for people with dyslexia.
Keywords:web accessibility, usability testing, assessment model, assistive technology integrated in the web user interface, end-users, people with dyslexia, recommendations for implementing the assistive technology integrated in the web user interface, recommendations for the method for usability testing for people with dyslexia


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