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Authors:ID Puklavec Banjanin, Zlatka (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Puklavec_Banjanin_Zlatka_2016.pdf (2,20 MB)
MD5: 7EE922A32E71FFB3D3AA7CDA4899F321
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:O otrocih radi govorimo, da predstavljajo našo bodočnost. Zaradi svoje fizične in psihične nedozorelosti spadajo v ranljivo skupino, ki ji je namenjena še prav posebna pozornost. Pravice otrok so skozi zgodovino pridobivale na pomenu in s sprejetjem Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah leta 1989 je otrok postal samostojni nosilec pravic. Slovenska ustava določa, da otroci uživajo posebno varstvo in skrb. Družina je priznana kot osnovna celica družbe, primarno pravico in dolžnost, skrbeti za svoje otroke, imajo starši. V primeru, da starši za svoje otroke ne poskrbijo, to vlogo prevzame država. V slovenskem prostoru so na področju predstavljanja in uresničevanja otrokovih pravic zelo dejavne civilnodružbene organizacije, osrednja institucija za varstvo otrokovih pravic pa je Varuh človekovih pravic RS. V Sloveniji je leta 1994 začel veljati Zakon o varuhu človekovih pravic. Nimamo posebnega varuha otrokovih pravic, je pa bila leta 2001 v okviru strokovne službe Varuha človekovih pravic RS oblikovana posebna skupina za področje otrokovih pravic, pozneje je bil imenovan tudi varuhov namestnik za področje otrokovih pravic in socialnega varstva. Varuh človekovih pravic RS o svojem delu poroča z rednimi letnimi poročili in posebno poglavje o varstvu otrokovih pravic predstavlja vedno večji del varuhovega letnega poročila. Prizadeva si za večjo prepoznavnost med mladimi in v ta namen organizira različne aktivnosti, obiskuje šole, sodeluje na otroških parlamentih, okroglih mizah in podobnih dogodkih. Veliko dela na promociji otrokovih pravic, sodeluje z nevladnimi organizacijami v Sloveniji ter na mednarodni ravni. Prizadeva si za vzpostavitev ustrezne zakonske podlage, da bo dolžnost vseh, da se otroku prisluhne in se ga obravnava kot samostojnega nosilca pravic. To je še posebej pomembno v primerih, ko starši ne zmorejo ali ne morejo sodelovati v otrokovo korist. V ta namen se pri Varuhu človekovih pravic RS izvaja pilotni projekt Zagovornik – glas otroka. Iz Varuhovih letnih poročil je razvidno, da so se ukvarjali s kršitvami vseh pravic, ki jih določa Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah, največ pa s pravicami otrok v okviru družine, še posebej s pravico vzdrževanja stikov in neposredne zveze z obema staršema. Njegovo mnenje je, da je delo v zvezi z otrokovimi pravicami strokovno poglobil, kar ugotavlja tudi v rednih stikih z ombudsmani v tujini. Svoja mnenja in priporočila o zadevah, ki jih obravnava, podaja s podprtimi argumenti. Ocenil je, da niso uspeli primerno obdelati, kljub vsem prizadevanjem, področja sodelovanja otrok, ki ga določata 12. in 13. člen Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah. Večkrat je podal svojo oceno, da so otrokove pravice, ki jih določa Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah, v Sloveniji zagotovljene na zadovoljivi ravni in obenem opozoril, da to ne pomeni, da te ravni ni mogoče izboljšati. V svojih letnih poročilih nenehno opozarja na pogosto brezbrižnost organov, ki odločajo o otrokovih pravicah. V diplomskem delu sta postavljeni dve tezi: »V Republiki Sloveniji Varuh človekovih pravic s svojim delovanjem veliko prispeva k izboljšanju in zagotavljanju otrokovih pravic« in »število odprtih zadev na področju varstva otrokovih pravic pri Varuhu človekovih pravic narašča predvsem zaradi večje osveščenosti o otrokovih pravicah, ne pa zaradi večjega števila kršitev.« Menim, da glede na analizo varuhovega dela v letih 2010 – 2014 postavljenima tezama lahko popolnoma pritrdim.
Keywords:varstvo otrokovih pravic, varuh človekovih pravic, zgodovina otrokovih pravic, projekt Zagovornik – glas otroka, mednarodna zaščita otrokovih pravic
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[Z. Puklavec Banjanin]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62562 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5293867 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.09.2016
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Abstract:Children are commonly talked about as our future. Due to their physical and mental immatureness they belong into a vulnerable group and are given a special attention. Children's rights have historically gained in importance and the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, the children became the sole owner of the rights. Slovenian Constitution states that children enjoy special protection and care. The family is recognized as the basic unit of society, the primary right and duty to care for their children is on the side of parents. If parents do not take care for their children, then their role is assumed by the state. In Slovenia, the civil society organizations are very active in the presentation and implementation of children's rights and the central institution for the protection of children's rights is the Ombudsman. In 1994, the Law on Ombudsman entered into force in Slovenia. There is no special ombudsman for children's rights, but in the context of professional services of the Ombudsman, there was a special group for the rights of the child formed in 2001, and later a Deputy Ombudsman was appointed in the field of children's rights and welfare. The Ombudsman reports on his/her work through regular annual reports and a special chapter on the protection of children's rights constitutes an increasing part of the Ombudsman's annual report. He/She seeks to raise the profile among the young people and for this purpose organizes a variety of activities, attends schools, participates in the Children's Parliament, the roundtables and similar events. He/She works a lot on the promotion of children's rights, cooperates with non-governmental organizations in Slovenia and at the international level. He/She thrives to establish an appropriate legal basis to be the duty of all to listen to the child and must be treated as a single holder of rights. This is especially important in cases where parents do not or can not participate in the child's best interests. For this purpose, a pilot project the Advocate - voice of the child is being carried out by the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman's Annual Reports show that they dealt with violations of all rights stated by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but mostly children's rights within the family, especially the right to maintain contact and direct relationship with both parents. In ombudsman opinion, the work relating to children's rights has been professionally developed, which is also noted in regular contacts with ombudsmen abroad. His/Her views and recommendations on the matters are passed on the groundsof justified arguments. Ombudsman has estimated that they were unable to process properly, despite all efforts, the field of child participation, defined by Articles 12 and 13 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Several times they delivered their assessment of the children's rights laid down in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as being granted at a satisfactory level in Slovenia, yet at the same time they pointed out that this does not mean that it can not be improved. In their annual reports, the attention is constantly drawn to the frequent indifference of the authorities who decide on the rights of the child. This thesis they places two hypotheses: »In Slovenia, the Ombudsman's operations significantly contribute to improving and ensuring the rights of the child« and »The number of open cases in the field of protection of children's rights at the Ombudsman is increasing mainly due to increased awareness of children's rights and not due to increased number of violations.« According to the analysis of the Ombudsman's work in the period 2010 - 2014, the two arguments can be fully confirmed.
Keywords:protection of children's rights, ombudsman, history of children's rights, Advocate - Voice of the Child project, the international protection of children's rights


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