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Title:Določevanje sposobnosti dispergiranja pigmentnega titanovega dioksida v alkidni smoli
Authors:ID Valek, Dragica (Author)
ID Goršek, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Valek_Dragica_2016.pdf (2,84 MB)
MD5: 3DD3CDF5B4063D02D255A30CCFD2E4A9
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bila uvedba nove metode določevanja sposobnosti dispergiranja pigmentnega titanovega dioksida z aparatom TIDAS. V laboratoriju kontrole proizvodnih procesov, PE Titanov dioksid v Cinkarni Celje, d.d. težimo k temu, da naše meritve opravljamo po sodobnih merilnih postopkih in s sodobno, računalniško vodeno opremo. Obstoječ postopek določevanja sposobnosti dispergiranja pigmentnega titanovega dioksida v alkidni smoli smo želeli zamenjati s sodobnejšim. Stara metoda je namreč temeljila na vizualni oceni finoče prvega zrna in finoče populacije. Meritve smo izvajali tako, da je operater na grindometer nanesel testno pasto in jo z rezilom enakomerno porazdelil po utoru. Nato se je izvedla vizualna ocena sposobnosti dispergiranja, rezultati so se podali v m. Metoda je bila izrazito subjektivne narave, odvisna od usposobljenosti operaterjev in njihovega vida. Z nakupom aparata TIDAS smo odpravili subjektivno napako pri oceni sposobnosti dispergiranja pigmentnega titanovega dioksida v alkidni smoli. Tako je sedaj naloga operaterja le priprava testne paste in nanos testne paste na utor grindometra. Aparat TIDAS z rezilom razporedi testno pasto po utoru grindometra ter nam poda oceno sposobnosti dispergiranja kot numerično vrednost v m. V diplomskem delu so prikazane meritve sposobnosti dispergiranja pigmentnega titanovega dioksida v vzorcih iz procesa mikronizacije po stari in novi metodi. Rezultati meritev so pokazali, da so meritve po novi metodi ponovljive in se ujemajo z meritvami po stari metodi. Na osnovi statistične obdelave podatkov smo izbrali najugodnejšo maso pigmentnega titanovega dioksida, ki ga uporabimo za pripravo testne paste.
Keywords:Pigmentni titanov dioksid, alkidna smola, disperzibilnost, grindometer, aparat TIDAS.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[D. Valek]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62477 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20341782 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.09.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FKKT
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Secondary language

Title:Determining the ability of the pigment dispersion of titanium dioxide in the alkyd resin
Abstract:The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to introduce a new method of determining the ability of the titanium dioxide pigment dispersion in the alkyd resin using the TIDAS appliance. In the laboratory of production process control, PE Titanium dioxide, in Cinkarna Celje d.d., we need to make sure that our measurements are performed according to modern methods and with a modern, computer numerated equipment. We wanted to improve the procedure of determining the ability of the titanium dioxide pigment dispersal in alkyd resin. The old method was based on a visual assessment of the first grain fineness and the fineness of the population. The new measurement was as well partly performed by the operator. The test paste was evenly applied along the groove of the grindometer with a blade. Next, visual evaluation of the dispersal ability was conducted, the results given in m. The method was highly subjective, depending on the qualification of the operators and their vision. With the purchase of the TIDAS appliance we eliminated the subjective error (factor of human error) in the assessment of determining the ability of titanium dioxide pigment dispersal in alkyd resins. Thus the only task of the operator is preparing the test paste and applying it along the groove of the grindometer. The TIDAS appliance allocates the test paste along the groove of the grindometer and outputs the dispersing ability as a numerical value in m. The thesis shows the measurements of titanium dioxide pigment dispersal ability in the samples from the process of micronization with the old and new method. The results have shown that the measurements according to the new method are repeatable and match the measurements done with the old method. Based on the statistical data processing we chose the most appealing titanium dioxide pigment mass to be used in the preparation of the test paste.
Keywords:Titanium dioxide pigment, alkyd resin, dispersibility, grindometer, TIDAS appliance.


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