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Authors:ID Škundrić, Jasmina (Author)
ID Rijavec, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Kežmah, Urška (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UN_Skundric_Jasmina_2016.pdf (1015,39 KB)
MD5: AAD836D37281A139BF4C6DEB5660FD71
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:V diplomskem delu sem predstavila dokazna sredstva, ki jih v svojih določbah ureja Zakon o pravdnem postopku. V prvih dveh poglavjih sem zaradi lažjega razumevanja predstavila civilni pravdni postopek, temeljna načela civilnega pravdnega postopka, povezana z dokaznimi sredstvi, ter dokazovanje in izvajanje dokazov. Zakon o pravdnem postopku določa pet dokaznih sredstev, in sicer so to ogled, listine, priče, izvedenci in zaslišanje strank. V osrednjem delu naloge sem podrobneje predstavila dokazno sredstvo ogled, nekaj njegovih osnovnih značilnosti ter njegovo uporabo v sodni praksi. Prav tako je za sam pravdni postopek pomembno dokazno sredstvo tudi listina, ki jo morajo sodišču predložiti stranke postopka. V tem poglavju se seznanimo tudi, kako postopati v primeru, ko stranka z listinami, na katere opira svoj zahtevek, ne razpolaga. Novost iz novele ZPP-D iz leta 2008, o kateri so različna stališča, je povzetek bistvenih navedb, ki ga mora sodišču predložiti stranka. Pomembno dokazno sredstvo so tudi priče. V diplomskem delu je podrobneje opisan postopek s pričami, dolžnosti in pravice prič ter kdo sploh lahko kot priča nastopa na sodišču. V zadnjem času imajo med dokaznimi sredstvi vedno večjo vlogo izvedenci. Pomembno je vedeti, kdo je lahko izvedenec, kakšne so njegove pravice in dolžnosti ter kaj vse mora obsegati njegovo delo. Zadnje, vendar prav tako pomembno, dokazno sredstvo je zaslišanje strank, ki ga sodišče, zaradi razpravnega načela, izvede le, kadar ga predlaga katera izmed strank. Vsa teorija o dokaznih sredstvih je podkrepljena tudi s številnimi primeri sodne prakse.
Keywords:dokazna sredstva, ogled, listina, priča, izvedenec, zaslišanje strank
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Škundrić]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62377 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5309739 New window
Publication date in DKUM:19.09.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:In this thesis, I have presented evidence which is in its provisions governed by the Civil Procedure Act. In the first two chapters I have, in order to facilitate understanding, presented the civil procedure, the fundamental principles of civil litigation related to evidence, as well as providing proof and implementation of evidence. The Civil Procedure Act stipulates five types of evidence namely examination, documents, witnesses, expert witnesses and questioning of the parties. In the central part of the thesis, I have presented, in detail, examination as a type of evidence, its basic characteristics and its use in practice. Documents which must be submitted to the court by the parties of the proceedings are another important type of evidence for the litigation itself. In this chapter, we are also introduced on how to proceed in the case if a party does not have the documents on which it bases its claims at its disposal. The novelty of the 2008 CPA-D amendment, which has differing standpoints, is a summary of essential arguments which must be submitted to the court by a party. Witnesses can also be considered as an important type of evidence. In this thesis, the process of being a witness, their rights and obligations and who can testify as a witness in a court of law in the first place are described in detail. Lately, expert witnesses play an increasingly important role in presenting evidence. It is important to know who may be considered as an expert witness, what his/her rights and obligations are and what his/her work should include. The last, but equally important type of evidence is questioning of the parties which the court, due to legal principles, exercises only after being proposed by either party. The theoretical part is supported by numerous cases in judicial practice.
Keywords:evidence, examination, document, witness, expert witness, questioning of the parties


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