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Authors:ID Lorber, Jelka (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Lorber_Jelka_2016.pdf (1,94 MB)
MD5: BC3690A4B27ABDFB6AF55C49BA56B464
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Posvojitev je pravni akt, ki ima za udeležence trajne posledice, in je ni možno razvezati. Posvojitev ureja Zakon o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih v četrtem delu in izhaja iz ustavne določbe o pravicah otrok. Postopek posvojitve se ureja po pravilih splošnega upravnega postopka, ki ga izvajajo centri za socialno delo. Posvoji se lahko samo otrok, ki je mlajši od 18 leta, če pred tem ne pridobi poslovne sposobnosti. Otrok, ki je starejši od 10 let, mora k posvojitvi podati svoje soglasje. Če v postopku niso izpolnjeni vsi pogoji, je posvojitev neveljavna, neizpolnjeni pogoji pa so razlogi za razveljavitev, ki učinkujejo ex nunc. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena tako, da uvodu v prvem poglavju sledi predstavitev pojma otroka in roditeljske pravice v drugem poglavju. V tretjem poglavju je razložen institut posvojitve, predstavljeni so pogoji za nastanek in razveljavitev. Predstavljeni so tudi najpomembnejši mednarodni in nacionalni pravni viri, ki urejajo to področje. V četrtem poglavju je preučena pravdna in poslovna sposobnost otrok, ki sodelujejo v postopkih, otrokova največja korist in pravica otrok, da svobodno izrazijo svoje mnenje. Nadalje so obravnavani pogoji za posvojitev v Veliki Britaniji, kakor tudi podatki o starosti otrok ob posvojitvi. V petem poglavju je podan intervju s Centra za socialno delo Pesnica. Tako mednarodni kot tudi domači zakonodajalci skušajo v zakonskih določbah doseči čim večjo vključevanje otrok v postopke, kjer se odloča o njih samih. Najpomembnejša je na tem področju je Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah, katere podpisnica je tudi Slovenija. Da se lahko otrok odloči tako, da bo njemu v največjo korist, mu mora država nuditi potrebno pomoč. Predstavljeni so pravni mehanizmi in ukrepi, ki jih država zagotavlja otrokom v pravnem prometu in družbi, ter pomen otrokove starosti pri njegovem vključevanju v procese odločanja.
Keywords:otrok, roditeljska pravica, otrokova korist, otrokovo mnenje, posvojitev, otroku prijazno pravosodje.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Lorber]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62226 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:5293099 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.09.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:Adoption is a legal act having irreversible effects for the participants and cannot be repealed. Adoption is governed by the Marriage and Family Relations Act (ZZZDR), part four, stemming from the constitutional provisions concerning the rights of children. The process of adoption is governed by the rules of general administrative procedure, carried out by social work centres. To be adopted, a child must be under the age of 18 and not having acquired the legal competence before. A child who is older than 10 years has to give consent to adoption. If not all the conditions have been met in the proceedings, the adoption is void and the unfulfilled conditions constitute the reasons for its cancellation, having ex nunc effect. The present thesis is composed to introduce the concept of a child and parental rights in the second chapter, following the introduction in the first. The third chapter explains the institute of adoption; the conditions for its emergence and cancellation. It also provides the most important international and national legal sources regulating the respective area. The fourth chapter examines legal standing and competence of children taking part in the proceedings, the child's best interests and the child's right to freely express their opinion. Furthermore, it deals with the conditions for adoption in the UK, as well as data on the age of children at the time of adoption. The fifth chapter gives an interview from the Pesnica Social Work Centre. Both international and domestic legislators are trying within the legislative provisions to maximise the involvement of children in proceedings where decisions are made about themselves. The most important in this field is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Slovenia is also a signatory. In order for the children to make a decision which will be to their best interests, they must be provided the necessary support by the state. In conclusion, the thesis presents legal mechanisms and actions provided to children in legal and social framework, and the importance of the child's age in their integration in the decision-making processes.
Keywords:child, parental rights, child's benefit, child's opinion, adoption, child-friendly justice.


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