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Authors:ID Kelnarič, Jožica (Author)
ID Kužnik, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Kelnaric_Jozica_2016.pdf (4,36 MB)
MD5: B2F8123E2D4ADCE32A6B8930032BAFFA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FT - Faculty of Tourism
Abstract:Poudarek magistrskega dela je na povezavi in prepletu kulturne dediščine in glamuroznega kampiranja. Repnice bi tako vključili kot lokacije za glamurozno kampiranje, ki so še neodkrite in nerazvite, ponujajo pa razvojne možnosti v turizmu. Teoretični del zajema osnovne opredelitve na podlagi strokovne literature kulturne dediščine, povezanost dediščinskega turizma s trajnostnim, pomen vinogradništva na Bizeljskem kot kulturne dediščine ter velik pomen repnic, ki delujejo v turistične namene. Osrednji del temelji na opisu in predstavitvi glamuroznega kampiranja v Sloveniji in svetu, s poudarkom na glamuroznem kampiranju v jamah. Prikazani so statistični podatki in opredelitev primera dobre prakse glamuroznega kampiranja v prostorih kozolca Hiše Raduha. Raziskovalni del temelji na povezavi repnic in glamuroznega kampiranja, kar je novost v slovenskem prostoru. Kritičen pogled na prenočevanje v repnicah je prikazan v obliki SWOT analize. Z analizo intervjujev informatorjev smo v zaključku podali odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja. Za bolj natančno predstavitev smo med besedilo vključili tudi fotografije.
Keywords:Bizeljsko, repnice, glamurozno kampiranje, kulturna dediščina, dediščinski turizem
Place of publishing:Brežice
Publisher:[J. Kelnarič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-62100 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2048155219 New window
Publication date in DKUM:23.09.2016
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Abstract:The emphasis of this master's thesis is on connection and interlacement of cultural heritage and glamping. Repnice can be included as a location for glamping, as they are still undiscovered and undeveloped, whereas on the other side they offer developmental opportunities in tourism. The theoretical part covers basic definitions based on professional literature about cultural heritage, integration of heritage tourism with sustainable tourism, the importance of viticulture at Bizeljsko as cultural heritage and the importance of repnice, which operate in tourist purposes. The central part is based on description and presentation of glamping in Slovenia and around the world, with emphasis on glamping in caverns. The thesis introduces statistical data and a good example of glamping in practice on the premises of a hayrack called »Hiša Raduha«. The research part is based on relationship between repnice and glamping, which is something new in Slovenia. A critical view of glamping (an overnight stay) in repnice is shown in the form of a SWOT analysis. With the analysis of interviews with informants we have provided answers to the research questions in the conclusion of the thesis. For a better presentation of the text we have included some pictures and images.
Keywords:Bizeljsko, repnice, glamping, cultural heritage, heritage tourism


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