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Authors:ID Slavinec, Barbara (Author)
ID Vršič, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Meden, Vesna Mila (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Slavinec_Barbara_2016.pdf (1,10 MB)
MD5: 013350918F8DE7365AD08281956BF688
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Abstract:V letu 2011 smo na Univerzitetnem centru za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo, Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede Meranovo, preizkušali odporne sorte vinske trte ('Regent', 'Rondo', 'Monarch', 'Prior', 'Cabernet carol', 'Johanniter', 'Phoenix', 'Muscat bleu' in 'Modri pinot' kot standardna sorta) in ugotavljali njihov antioksidativni potencial. Spremljali smo pojav pomembnih bolezni in dozorevanje grozdja, merili intenziteto barve listov ter analizirali grozdni sok ob trgatvi (vsebnost sladkorja, pH vrednost, skupne titracijske kisline) in vsebnost antioksidantov v listih, jagodnih kožicah in pečkah. V času dozorevanja grozdja je bila vedno v prednosti sorta 'Regent', najkasneje je dozorela sorta 'Modri pinot'. Infekcija s peronosporo se je pojavila na listih zalistnikov edino pri sorti 'Modri pinot', pri nobeni sorti pa ni bilo znakov okužbe z botritisom in oidijem. Največjo vsebnost sladkorja ob trgatvi je imela sorta 'Modri pinot' (94 °Oe), najmanjšo (72 °Oe) pa sorta 'Phoenix', ki je ob trgatvi imela največjo maso 100 jagod (286 g). 'Phoenix' je hkrati imel tudi najmanjše skupne titracijske kisline (5,9 g/l). Sorta 'Regent' je imela največjo pH vrednost (3,55) od vseh ostalih sort (p ≤ 0,05). V listih je bilo največ kaftarne kisline pri sorti 'Regent', v grozdnih pečkah največ (+)-katehina, (-)-epikatehina in galne kisline pri sorti 'Rondo', v jagodnih kožicah pa pri sorti 'Monarch'. Pri ostalih sortah so bile nižje vsebnosti omenjenih spojin.
Keywords:vinska trta/ odporne sorte/ tehnološke lastnosti/ antioksidativni potencial
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61617 New window
Publication date in DKUM:08.12.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the year 2011 the resistant grapevine varieties ('Regent', 'Rondo', 'Monarch' 'Prior', 'Cabernet carol’, 'Johanniter', 'Phoenix', 'Muscat bleu') and 'Pinot noir' as the standard variety were tested at the University centre of Viticulture and Enology Meranovo of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science. The antioxidant potential of the varieties was established as well. The occurrence of major diseases and ripening of the grapes was monitored, the intensity of the color of leaves was measured, grape juice at harvest (sugar content, pH value, the total titration acid value) was analyzed and antioxidant content in grapevine leaves, berry skins and seeds was determined. During the ripening the variety 'Regent' was always favored, while the variety 'Pinot noir' was the last one to mature. Downy mildew infection occurred on the leaves of lateral shoot only at the variety 'Pinot noir’, in other varieties there was no evidence of infection with botrytis and powdery mildew. The highest sugar content at harvest was present in the variety 'Pinot noir' (94 °Oe), the lowest (72 °Oe) in the variety 'Phoenix', which had, at the harvest time, a maximum weight of 100 berries (286 g). ‘Phoenix’ had also the lowest total titration acids value (5.9 g/l). The variety ‘Regent’ had the highest pH value (3.55) among all other varieties (p ≤ 0.05). In grape leaves there was the most caftaric acid in the variety 'Regent', in grape seeds most (+)-catechin, gallic acid and (-)-epicatechin in the variety 'Rondo' and in berry skins the same compounds in variety 'Monarch'. Other varieties had lower content of mentioned compounds.
Keywords:grapevine / resistant varieties / technological properties / antioxidant potential


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