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Title:Analiza betona z dodanimi vlakni iz recikliranih PET plastenk
Authors:ID Meke, Borut (Author)
ID Ivanič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Meke_Borut_2016.pdf (4,29 MB)
MD5: 7F84CC364F0136517AA25E4CE142793A
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:V diplomskem delu smo analizirali prisotnosti vlaken iz odpadnih PET plastenk na različne lastnosti svežega in strjenega betona. Vlakna smo pridobili s preprostim mehanskim rezanjem PET plastenk s ciljem čim manjšega vložka energije za izdelavo le-teh. Izdelali smo vzorce vlaknastega betona z 0.5 %, 1.0 % in 1.5 % volumskim deležem PET vlaken, za primerjavo rezultatov pa tudi vzorec vlaknastega betona z dodanimi komercialno dobavljivimi polipropilenskimi STRUX vlakni z 0.5 % volumskim deležem vlaken ter referenčni vzorec betona brez vlaken. Vsa vlakna smo dodali v suho betonsko mešanico. Izvedli smo osnovne preiskave svežih betonskih mešanic, na strjenih betonskih vzorcih pa tritočkovni upogibni preizkus ter preiskavo tlačne trdnosti in prostorninsko maso. Rezultati so pokazali, da dodana PET vlakna izboljšajo upogibno trdnost vlaknastega betona, medtem ko je vpliv na tlačne trdnosti vlaknastega betona praktično zanemarljiv. Najvišjo upogibno trdnost smo ugotovili na vzorcu z 1.5 % volumskim deležem PET vlaken. Najenakomernejšo porazdelitev rezultatov smo dosegli pri vzorcih z nižjim volumskim deležem vlaken. Beton se je po nastanku prve razpoke obnašal duktilno.
Keywords:vlaknasti beton, polietilen tereftalat – PET, recikliranje, PET vlakna, upogibna trdnost, tlačna trdnost, tritočkovni upogibni preizkus
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Meke]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61457 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20362006 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.09.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FG
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of concrete reinforced with recycled PET bottles fibers
Abstract:In the thesis the fibrous concrete reinforced with recycled PET bottles fibers was analysed. We analysed various properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The fibers were obtained by a simple mechanical cutting of PET bottles, with an emphasis on minimizing energy input for the fibers preparation. Samples of fibrous concrete with 0.5 %, 1.0 % and 1.5 % volume fraction of PET fibers were prepared. For comparison, a sample of fibrous concrete with the addition of a commercially available polypropylene fiber STRUX with 0.5 % volume fraction of STRUX fibers was prepared. A reference sample of concrete without fibers was also prepared. All fibers were added to a dry concrete mixture. We conducted a basic investigation of fresh concrete mixes. On hardened concrete a three-point bending test was performed and tests to determine the compressive strength and volume weight. The results showed that the added PET fibers improve the bending strength of the fibrous concrete, while the influence on the compressive strength of the fibrous concrete is almost negligible. The maximum flexural strength was measured in the sample with 1.5 % volume fraction of the PET fibers. Uniform distribution of the results has been achieved in samples with a lower volume fraction of PET fibers. The behaviour of concrete after the formation of the first crack was ductile.
Keywords:fiber-reinforced concrete, polyethylene terephthalate – PET, recycling, PET fibers, flexural strength, compressive strength, three-point bending test


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