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Authors:ID Virtič, Lilijana (Author)
ID Korez Vide, Romana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Virtic_Lilijana_2016.pdf (635,62 KB)
MD5: BAFEB713FD925EE4D44AD66E212D0B5A
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EPF - Faculty of Business and Economics
Abstract:Z analizo poslovnega okolja podjetje pridobi podatke, ki jih potrebuje za uspešen vstop in nastop na tujem trgu. S tem ugotovi, katere značilnosti ima okolje in kako bodo te vplivale na poslovanje podjetja. Podjetje bo moralo preučiti negospodarsko, gospodarsko, tržno okolje in tudi interno okolje podjetja. S tem bo spoznalo, kakšne so njegove prednosti, slabosti, priložnosti in nevarnosti, ki izhajajo iz značilnosti tujega poslovnega okolja. Tveganja so prisotna na vsakem trgu in izhajajo iz razmer na tujem trgu. Tveganja razdelimo na politična, komercialna in finančna. Tveganja lahko nastanejo tudi, če podjetja ne preučijo dobro trga ali kadar želijo svoj način poslovanja prenesti v okolje, kjer so navade potrošnikov drugačne. Za podjetja je pomembno, da ugotovijo, katera tveganja so prisotna in kako bodo vplivala na podjetje. Podjetje lahko tveganja zmanjšuje z zavarovanjem posla, izogibanjem preveč tveganim trgom, rednim posodabljanjem podatkov o razmerah na trgu, razpršitvijo trgov in preučitvijo deželnih tveganj. Danska je država z visokim BDP na prebivalca ter visoko kupno močjo potrošnikov. Ima ugodno poslovno okolje, ki je odprto za tuje investicije z enostavnim postopkom za ustanovitev podjetja. Trenutna gospodarska rast je šibka, zato poskuša povečati zaposlenost. 20 % energije pridobi iz obnovljivih virov in v prihodnje hoče ta delež še povečati. Je ena od vodilnih v proizvodnji vetrnih turbin. Nizozemsko gospodarstvo po krizi dobro okreva, saj se stopnja nezaposlenosti zmanjšuje, inflacija je zmerna in gospodarstvo raste. Ima dobro organizirana pristanišča in učinkovito logistiko. Del energije pridobivajo iz obnovljivih virov, predvsem iz vetra in tudi iz valov.
Keywords:Analiza poslovnega okolja, analiza tveganj, politična tveganja, komercialna tveganja, Danska, Nizozemska.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[L. Virtič]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61387 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:12566812 New window
Publication date in DKUM:07.11.2016
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Secondary language

Abstract:With the analysis of business environment a company gets the information it needs to successfully enter to and perform on a foreign market. Herewith it finds out what characteristics the environment has and how will they affect the operations of the company. The company will have to study the non-commercial, commercial, market environment and internal environment of the company. Herewith it will find out what are its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that arise out of the characteristics of the foreign business environment. Risks are present on every market and they originate from the market conditions. Risks can be divided into political, commercial and financial risks. Risks can also arise when companies don’t do a proper research of the market or when they want to transmit their way of doing business into an environment where consumers have different customs. It is important for companies to know which risks are present at a market and how will they influence the company. To diminish risks a company can take out insurance, avoid too risky markets, regularly update information on market conditions, disperse foreign markets and study the country risks. Denmark is a country with a high GDP/per capita and a high purchasing power. It has a favourable business environment, which is open for foreign investment and has easy procedure for establishing a business. Because their current economic growth is weak they try to increase employment. They get 20 % of their energy through renewable sources and they want to increase this share. Denmark is one of the leading countries in the production of wind turbines. The Dutch economy is making a good recovery after the crisis, since the unemployment rate is decreasing, inflation is moderate and the economy is growing. It has good organized ports and an effective logistics sector. They gain part of their energy from renewable sources, especially from wind and also from waves.
Keywords:Analysis of business environment, analysis of risks, political risks, commercial risks, Denmark, The Netherlands.


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