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Title:Razlastitev - meje dopustnih prisilnih utesnitev lastninske pravice
Authors:ID Gotvajn, Valerija (Author)
ID Vrenčur, Renato (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Gotvajn_Valerija_2016.pdf (1014,31 KB)
MD5: BF6601692D7376350D022669414901C6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Razlastitev je najhujši poseg v lastninsko pravico, ki je ustavno zagotovljena pravica. Tako mednarodno pravo kot nacionalni pravni redi dopuščajo razlastitev le kot skrajno sredstvo, in še to pod vnaprej določenimi pogoji.Ustavno jamstvo lastnine predpostavlja obstoj lastnine kot pravnega instituta, pravni red pa ob upoštevanju gospodarskih in družbenih razmerij določa, kaj je predmet lastnine in katera so varovana lastninska upravičenja. Zakonsko urejanje, oblikovanje lastnine oziroma omejevanje lastninske svobode je podvrženo načelu sorazmernosti. To nalaga zakonodajalcu, da pri tem upošteva načelo ravnovesja med zasebno in javno funkcijo lastnine, med zasebnim in javnim interesom.Dopustna pa je samo takrat, ko je javna korist sorazmerna s težo posega v lastninsko pravico, ki ga povzroči razlastitev in če država oziroma občina ne razpolaga z drugo ustrezno nepremičnino za dosego istega namena. Odvzem in omejitev lastninske pravice na nepremičninah v javno korist, torej popolno in nepopolno oziroma delno razlastitev nepremičnin v korist države, lokalne skupnosti oziroma drugega subjekta javnega prava, na splošno opredeljuje Zakon o urejanju prostora (ZUreP-1) v povezavi z Zakonom o umeščanju prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena v prostor (ZUPUDPP), pravno podlago za te postopke pa predstavljajo tudi drugi področni zakoni, ki veljajo kot specialni zakoni in se v teh primerih ZUreP-1 uporablja subsidiarno. Pri navedenem se postavlja vprašanje ali so pravne podlage za prisilno pridobivanje zemljišč in omejitev lastninske pravice v Republiki Sloveniji ustrezne, medsebojno usklajene in zagotavljajo objektivno obravnavanje ustavno varovane pravice. Glede postopkov razlastitev imata tudi Nemčija in Italija podobno ustavno ureditev.
Keywords:lastninska pravica, razlastitev, služnosti v javno korist, javna korist, odškodnina
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-61115 New window
Publication date in DKUM:10.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Expropriation - the limitations of forced restrictions of property rights
Abstract:Expropriation is the most serious interference with the property right, which is a constitutionally guaranteed right. Thus, international law and national legal systems allow expropriation only as a last resort, and even then under certain prescribed conditions. The constitutional guarantee of property presupposes the existence of property as a legal institution, and the legal system, taking into account economic and social relations, determines what the subject of the property is and which the protected ownership rights are. Regulations, creation of property or limiting freedom of ownership is subject to the principle of proportionality. This imposes on the legislature, that he takes into account the principle of balance between the private and public function of property, between private and public interests. And it is permissible only when the public interest commensurate with the seriousness of the interference in the property right, caused by the expropriation and if the state or the municipality does not have another suitable property with which the same purpose could be achieved. Deprivation and restriction of the property right on real estates in the public interest, therefore, a complete and incomplete or partial expropriation of real estates in favor of the state, local community, or other entity of public law generally defines the Spatial Planning Act (ZUreP-1), in conjunction with the Act on the placement of the spatial arrangements of national significance in physical space (ZUPUDPP), the legal basis for these procedures also represent other sectored laws, which govern as special laws and in these cases ZUreP-1 is used subsidiary. For that, the question arises whether the legal basis for compulsory land acquisition and restriction of property rights in the Republic of Slovenia is appropriate, aligned and if they provide an objective treatment of constitutionally protected rights. Concerning the procedures for expropriation, also Germany and Italy have similar constitutional arrangements.
Keywords:right to ownership, expropriation, the right of way in public interest, public interest, compensation


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