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Title:Tujci in učenje slovenskega jezika na Javnem zavodu Mocis
Authors:ID Rošer, Andreja (Author)
ID Pulko, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Roser_Andreja_2016.pdf (1,98 MB)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Tujci in učenje slovenskega jezika na Javnem zavodu Mocis smo v teoretičnem delu na začetku predstavili potek usvajanja in učenja jezika. Najprej smo predstavili usvajanje in učenje prvega oz. maternega jezika, nato pa še usvajanje drugega oz. tujega jezika. Poiskali smo tudi dejavnike, ki vplivajo na usvajanje drugega oz. tujega jezika in prikazali podobnosti in razlike med procesom usvajanja prvega in drugega jezika. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili programe učenja slovenskega jezika, podrobneje pa smo predstavili program ZIP – Začetna integracija priseljencev. Seznanili smo se s pogoji, cilji, obsegom, organizacijo in vsebino programa ZIP. Nato smo se seznanili s potekom opravljanja izpita iz znanja slovenščine na osnovni ravni. V drugem delu teoretičnega dela smo s pomočjo preučene literature zapisali definicijo kompetenc, nato smo predstavili ključne kompetence za vseživljenjsko učenje in nazadnje smo predstavili še medkulturne kompetence, ki so ene izmed ključnih kompetenc, saj smo brez njih lahko izločeni iz družbe. Empirični del diplomskega dela zajema predstavitev Javnega zavoda Mocis, kjer smo izvedli tudi anketo, s katero smo želeli ugotoviti, kateri izmed načinov podajanja snovi in preverjanja znanj je za udeležence tečaja najbolj primeren in kateri so glavni problemi, s katerimi se tujci srečujejo pri učenju slovenskega jezika.
Keywords:Prvi oz. materni jezik, drugi oz. tuji jezik, učenje tujega jezika, dejavniki, ki vplivajo na usvajanja tujega jezika, ZIP, ključne kompetence, medkulturne kompetence, izpit iz znanja slovenščine na osnovni ravni.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[A. Rošer]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60977 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22535944 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Foreigners and teaching Slovene at the Mocis Public Institute
Abstract:The thesis Foreigners and Slovenian Language Learning at the Mocis Public Institute starts with a theoretical part describing the processes of language acquisition and language learning. In the beginning, a presentation of the acquisition and learning of the first or mother tongue is given, followed by the acquisition and learning of the second and foreign language. The factors that influence the second or foreign language acquisition are presented, and the similarities and differences between the processes of acquiring the first and second language are illustrated. A presentation of the programmes of Slovenian language learning is included. The ZIP programme (The initial integration of immigrants) is discussed in more detail, in terms of its conditions, goals, extent, organisation and contents. The thesis also includes a description of the process of testing the Slovenian language skills at the basic level. The second part of the theoretical presentation includes a definition of competences based on the studied subject reference literature and describes the key competences for lifelong learning. In the end, the inter-cultural competences are discussed, which count among the key competences, for without them we could be excluded from the society. The empirical part of the thesis consists of the presentation of the Mocis Public Institute. A survey was carried out to determine which methods of lecturing and language skills testing are considered the most appropriate among the course participants. The survey also focuses on the main problems that the foreigners encounter when learning the Slovenian language.
Keywords:First language or mother tongue, second or foreign language, foreign language learning, factors that influence the foreign language acquisition, ZIP programme, key competences, intercultural competences, exam in basic knowledge of the Slovenian language.


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