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Title:Ledinska imena na Šentjanžu nad Dravčami, na Šentvidu in na Primožu na Pohorju (Občina Vuzenica)
Authors:ID Lorenci Kričej, Senta (Author)
ID Unuk, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Lorenci_Kricej_Senta_2016.pdf (1,69 MB)
MD5: 3265A0C92AD53B1D9F8755E082B6BEB3
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Ledinska imena so nastala z namenom, da bi človek ubesedil organizirano rabo prostora in njegovo členitev na dele. Poimenovanja so s tem dobila identifikacijsko in orientacijsko funkcijo. V sporazumevanju manjše družbene skupnosti, ki jo družijo skupne vrednote, se s tem oblikuje mikrosociolekt, ki je razumljiv le uporabnikom, ki dobro poznajo določen prostor in njegove reliefne, naravne in kulturne značilnosti. Diplomsko delo Ledinska imena na Šentjanžu nad Dravčami, na Šentvidu in na Primožu na Pohorju (Občina Vuzenica) je sociolingvistična raziskava, ki obravnava ledinska imena kot mikrosociolekt. V nalogi so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča, ki ledinska imena in njihovo vlogo v sporazumevanju podrobneje opredeljujejo s sociolingvističnega vidika. Predstavljeni so različni vidiki, ki ledinska imena uvrščajo v celoto. Naloga podrobneje predstavi ledinska imena kot mikrotoponime in jih po komparativni metodi uvršča v celoto. Natančneje je analizirana in predstavljena funkcija ledinskih imen. Zbrani podatki so sistematično klasificirani, analizirani in sistematizirani. V empiričnem delu je prikazan nabor ledinskih imen (skupno zbranih 255 poimenovanj) na področju občine Vuzenica, in sicer v treh katastrskih občinah: Primož na Pohorju, Šentjanž nad Dravčami in Šentvid. Poimenovanja so razvrščena po pomenskih skupinah, lastnostih in značilnostih poimenovanih objektov. Zapisane so jezikovne in slovnične značilnosti zbranih poimenovanj. Po analizi so umeščene v poimenovalno organiziranost po katastrskih enotah.
Keywords:ledinska imena, toponimi, sociolekt, mikrosociolekt
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Lorenci Kričej]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60901 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22606088 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Microtoponyms Used in the Sellected Villages of Vuzenica Municipality: Šentjanž nad Dravčami, Šentvid and Primož na Pohorju
Abstract:Names for the uninhabited entities (fields, pastures and forests), also called toponyms, were created in order people could articulate the organized use of space and its division into parts. Such designations were thus given an identification and orientation function. Smaller social community and its inhabitants share common values and thereby form a micro-sociolect – comprehensible only to users who are familiar with the particular area and its topography, natural and cultural features. The diploma thesis Microtoponyms Used in the Selected Villages of Vuzenica Municipality: Šentjanž nad Dravčami, Šentvid and Primož na Pohorju is the sociolinguistic survey, which researches the use of names for the uninhabited entities as micro-sociolect. The paper presents the theoretical platform that highlights the toponyms and their role in communication process from the sociolinguistic point of view. Various aspects presented integrate the names of uninhabited areas into a whole. The thesis presents the names of uninhabited areas as microtoponyms, and uses the comparative method to classify them. Moreover, the function of toponyms is analysed and presented in details. The data collected is systematically classified, analysed and systematized. The empirical part, shows a set of microtoponyms collected in Vuzenica municipality area (totally 215 denominations), namely in the following cadastral communities: Primož na Pohorju, Šentjanž nad Dravčami and Šentvid. The designations are classified according to the semantic categories, characterizations and properties of the objects denoted. Linguistic and grammatical characteristics of the collected denominations are phonologically spelled out. After the analysis, these were incorporated in the naming structure according to the individual cadastral units.
Keywords:names of uninhabited areas, toponyms, sociolect, micro-sociolect


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