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Authors:ID Prelc Poženel, Metka (Author)
ID Senegačnik, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vuk, Drago (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Prelc_Pozenel_Metka_2016.pdf (5,42 MB)
MD5: 421F349AE13C0441F08B224E97A06E1C
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V magistrskem delu z naslovom „Izboljševanje pogojev dela na delovnem mestu v maloserijski proizvodnji barv in lakov“ je obravnavana zaščita pred nanodelci v povezavi z izboljšanjem pogojev dela na delovnem mestu, s tem mislimo predvsem na kakovost vdihanega zraka. Prvi del magistrskega dela je namenjen predstavitvi nano področja, tako vpliva nanomaterialov na človeka in okolje kot pregledu zakonodaje na tem področju. V drugem delu je predstavljeno obstoječe stanje v podjetju Monicolor, d. o. o., zlasti v povezavi z delovnimi sredstvi, kot so: delovni stroji, naprave in oprema, ki tako ali drugače vplivajo na kakovost vdihanega zraka. Izpostavljen je varnostni list kot tudi ocena tveganja za delovno mesto »mešalca« (proizvodnega delavca) ter njuna zakonodajna podlaga. V tretjem delu je podan model rešitve za izboljšanje pogojev dela proizvodnega delavca v maloserijski proizvodnji barv in lakov skozi kadrovski, organizacijski, finančni in tehnični vidik. Fokus je na posodobitvi strojne opreme, odsesovalnega sistema in zaščitne maske. Predstavljeno je delovanje filtrov in njihove oznake, ki zadržijo nanodelce, ter nova ocena tveganja za delovno mesto s poudarkom na oceni za nevarne in škodljive snovi.
Keywords:nanomaterial, premaz, varnostni list, HEPA filter, zdravje in okolje
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60895 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:7798547 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Improving working conditions in the workplace in the small serial production of paints and varnishes
Abstract:This master´s thesis titled Improving the Working Conditions in the Workplace in Small Serial Production of Paints and Varnishes deals with protection against nanoparticles in connection with the improvement of working conditions in the workplace; by that we mean primarily the quality of the inhaled air. The first part of the master´s thesis is dedicated to the presentation of the nano area: the impact of nanomaterials on humans and the environment, and a review of the legislation in this area. The second part presents the current state of the company Monicolor, d.o.o. particularly in connection with the work resources, such as: working machines, devices and equipment, which in one way or another effect the quality of the inhaled air. The safety data sheet is pointed out, as well as the risk assessment for the workplace of "blender" (a production worker) and their legislative basis. The third part provides a model of solutions for improving the working conditions of the production worker in small serial production of paints and varnishes through staff, organizational, financial, and technical aspects. The focus is on updating the hardware, the suction system, and protective mask. The functioning of the filters and their labels, which retained the nanoparticles, as well as a new risk assessment for the workplace with an emphasis on the assessment of hazardous and noxious substances are presented.
Keywords:Nanomaterial, Coating, Safety data sheet, HEPA filter, Health and environment


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