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Authors:ID Brec, Barbara (Author)
ID Bošnjak, Blanka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Brec_Barbara_2016.pdf (989,18 KB)
MD5: 3FB3CC439FD298E523AA2D9FE2B59607
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Magistrsko delo se posveča neorealistični kratki pripovedni prozi. Ta se pojavlja tako v slovenski kot v tuji literaturi. Neorealizem se je v sodobni slovenski književnosti v največji meri uveljavil in poetološko najbolj izčistil prav v kratki prozi. Ta zajema predvsem avtorje, rojene leta 1960 ali kasneje, ki so svoja dela začeli objavljati v devetdesetih letih, snov pa jemljejo iz vsakdanjega življenja (Čander 2004: 353–363). Študij zbirk kratke proze, izdanih med leti 2010–2015, je za namen naloge pokazal, da v ospredju niso več teme o nacionalni identiteti, ampak se pojavljajo predvsem "male teme" in "male zgodbe", najpogosteje o (spolni) identiteti (Zupan Sosič 2011: 96–97). Subjekti so največkrat moški, ki se v razvitih državah, kjer tudi ženske stopajo na trg dela in celo zavzemajo najvišje položaje, zaradi izgube prevlade in moči počutijo vedno bolj nepomembne ter se sprašujejo o svojem eksistencialnem bistvu. Kriza moškosti in "instant" družba, v kateri je dovoljeno vse, na novo strukturirata tudi ljubezenske in partnerske odnose. Ena glavnih neorealističnih značilnosti je postavljenost subjektov v urbano okolje oziroma velika mesta, kjer se tujci ali ti, ki so se v ta mesta preselili kasneje, in ti, ki v njih prebivajo že od nekdaj, na vsakem koraku počutijo odtujene. Tako intimni in fantazijski svetovi posameznikov, v katere se ti zatečejo, včasih predstavljajo edini pobeg pred realnostjo. Namen magistrskega dela je osvetliti termin neorealistična književnost in razloge, ki so botrovali nastanku sodobne kratke proze zadnjih desetletij na naših tleh, še posebej neorealistične kratke proze. Ključni del magistrskega dela predstavlja analiza kratkoproznih del slovenskih avtorjev in avtoric, ki so izšla med leti 2010–2015, s pomočjo katerih so podprta teoretična spoznanja. Največja omejitev je premajhna časovna distanca, zato je ob literarni smeri neorealizma ključna razjasnitev pojmov transrealizem, literarni eklekticizem, nova emocionalnost in literarni minimalizem. Prav tako je ključen pregled tematik, s katerimi se literarne smeri ukvarjajo, njihovih pripovednih postopkov in konkretizacij v slovenski sodobni kratki prozi (Perić Jezernik 2001: 7).
Keywords:sodobna družba, sodobna slovenska kratka proza, slovenska neorealistična kratka proza, 2010–2015, neorealistične značilnosti, neorealizem, transrealizem, literarni minimalizem
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[B. Brec]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60828 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22445832 New window
Publication date in DKUM:22.08.2016
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Abstract:The master's thesis focuses on neo-realist short prose, which is present both in Slovenian and foreign literature. In the contemporary Slovenian literature, neorealism has largely established and refined itself specifically in short prose. This mainly includes authors, born in 1960 or later, and began publishing their work in the nineties. The material was taken from everyday life (Čander 2004: 353-363). Studying the collections of short prose for the purpose of this thesis, published between the years 20102015, has shown that topics of national identity are no longer in the forefront, but rather "small subjects" and "small stories", mostly about (sexual) identity (Zupan Sosič 2011: 96-97). The subjects are usually men who, in developed countries, where women enter the labor market and even occupy the top positions, feel increasingly irrelevant and wonder about their existential essence due to the loss of dominance and power. The crisis of masculinity and the "instant" society in which everything is allowed, established new structures of love and partnerships. One of the main features of the neo-realist prose is to situate the subject into the urban environment, to large cities, where foreigners and those who have moved into the city later, and those who always lived there, feel alienated at every step. Both intimate and fantasy worlds of individuals, to which individuals resort to, sometimes represent the only escape from reality. The purpose of this master`s thesis is to highlight the term neorealist literature and the reasons for the emergence of the modern short story in the last decades, especially of the contemporary neorealist short prose in our country. A key part of the master`s thesis presents an analysis of short works by Slovenian authors published between the years 20102015 with which some theoretical discoveries are supported. The biggest limitation is the lack of time distance, therefore it is necessary to clarify the concepts of transrealism, literary eclecticism, new emotion and minimalism in neorealism. It is also essential to do an overview of themes that literary directions deal with, their narrative procedures and concrete realizations of the contemporary Slovenian short prose (Perić Jezernik 2001: 7).
Keywords:modern society, contemporary Slovenian short prose, Slovenian neorealist short prose, 2010–2015, neorealist features, neorealism, transrealism, literary minimalism


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