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Title:Pravopisna zmožnost tretješolcev v Slovenskih Konjicah
Authors:ID Škorjanc, Jožica (Author)
ID Šek, Polonca (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf UN_Skorjanc_Jozica_2016.pdf (2,60 MB)
MD5: 2535791495FFC246AA4F5469C4AB90E3
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Abstract:V diplomskem delu z naslovom Pravopisna zmožnost tretješolcev v Slovenskih Konjicah je v teoretičnem delu najprej na kratko predstavljena pravopisna zmožnost kot del sporazumevalne zmožnosti. Zapisani so tudi operativni cilji in standardi znanja iz učnega načrta za slovenščino v osnovni šoli (2011), ki se povezujejo s pravopisno zmožnostjo učencev ob koncu prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Predstavljena so tudi poglavja iz pravopisa, vezana izključno na operativne cilje pravopisne zmožnosti učencev na koncu prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Teoretičnemu delu sledi empirični del, v katerem se je s preizkusom znanja preverjalo pravopisno znanje izbranih 99 učencev ob koncu 3. razreda, to je ob koncu prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Pravopisna zmožnost tretješolcev se je preverjala s pomočjo testa v obliki besedila s pravopisnimi napakami, ki naj bi jih učenci pravopisno ustrezno popravili. V testu (besedilu s pravopisnimi napakami) je bilo zajetih vseh 11 operativnih ciljev pravopisne zmožnosti, ki naj bi jih učenci usvojili v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju in so zapisani v učnem načrtu za slovenščino v osnovni šoli (2011). Pravopisno znanje tretješolcev se je preverjalo glede na spol, razred in šolo ter po posameznem cilju pravopisne zmožnosti. Na podlagi rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da imajo obravnavani tretješolci precej dobro usvojene cilje, vezane na pravopisno zmožnost. Slabše rezultate so dosegli pri ciljih ločeno pisanje nikalnice pred glagolom, pri rabi končnih ločil in rabi vejice pri naštevanju. Navedene primanjkljaje bi učenci z raznolikimi vajami, utrjevanjem, natančnostjo in vztrajnostjo zagotovo lahko odpravili.
Keywords:sporazumevalna zmožnost, pravopisna zmožnost, pravopis, učni načrt slovenščina, prvo vzgojno-izobraževalno obdobje, operativni cilji, standardi znanja
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[J. Škorjanc]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60827 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22508296 New window
Publication date in DKUM:12.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Orthographic competence of students in the third class in Slovenske Konjice
Abstract:Orthographic competence as a part of communication ability is briefly presented in the theoretical part of the thesis titled Orthographic competence of students in the third class in Slovenske Konjice. Operational objectives and standards of knowledge of curriculum for Slovene language in primary school (2011) which are associated with orthographic ability of students at the end of the first educational cycle are also recorded. Sections of the orthography which are exclusively linked to the operational objectives of orthographic competence of students at the end of the first educational cycle are also presented. The theoretical part is followed by the empirical part. Orthographic knowledge of 99 students at the end of the third class, that is, at the end of the first educational cycle was tested. The orthographic competence of students of the third class was checked with a test in a form of a text with orthographic errors which children were supposed to correct. In the test (text with orthographic errors) all 11 operational objectives of orthographic competence were included which students should assimilate at the end of the first educational cycle and are recorded in the curriculum for Slovene language in primary school (2011). Orthographic knowledge of third class students was tested according to gender, class and school and according to specific objective of orthographic competence. According to results students of third class have assimilated the objectives of orthographic competence quite well. They have performed worse in objectives of a separate writing of negation before the verb, the use of final punctuation marks and the use of commas in enumeration. Those deficits could certainly be resolved with various exercises, practice, accuracy and persistence. Keywords: communicative competence, orthographic competence, orthography, curriculum for Slovene language, the first educational cycle, operational objectives, standards of knowledge
Keywords:communicative competence, orthographic competence, orthography, curriculum for Slovene language, the first educational cycle, operational objectives, standards of knowledge


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