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Title:The Complexity of Cryptography in Literature
Authors:ID Sedej, Sonja (Author)
ID Kennedy, Victor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Milutinović, Uroš (Comentor)
Files:.pdf MAG_Sedej_Sonja_2016.pdf (2,49 MB)
MD5: A306E9021D0E3E478E67763B0322C166
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Cryptography first appeared approximately four thousand years ago; it has developed and improved throughout history. Cryptography has an important role in the modern world. Cryptography has been a part of our lives for nearly four thousand years; nevertheless, the first book on cryptography did not appear until 1499, when John Tritheim published a collection of codes used in some European courts. Today, cryptography affects us in many seen and unseen forms and shapes. Therefore, I am not surprised to see that it is commonplace in fiction. The purpose of this thesis is not to study the light summer reading that has lately filled the bookshelves, but to systematically research the complexity of cryptography in different literary genres. In The Complexity of Cryptography in Literature, I analyze cryptography in English literature throughout the past two centuries. My thesis is, for many reasons, written in English; the study of English and American Literature, an English speaking mentor and researching literature written in English. Using analysis and synthesis I study two secondary theoretical sources, Codes and Ciphers – A History of Cryptography written by Alexander D'Agapeyeff and Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing written by Martin Gardner. At the same time I introduce the appropriate terminology which is necessary for further understanding. The thesis summarizes and presents the history of cryptography. The latter is researched using the method of analysis and synthesis in The Code Book by Simon Sing and The Code-Breakers by David Kahn. Using the basic methods and history of cryptography, I will show that many methods of cryptography are described in literature; these are closely related to cryptography’s historical development. Furthermore, I propose that these methods are used in a wide spectra of literary genres; at the same time I will show that mostly simple or simplified methods of cryptography are used in literature; otherwise, they would not be accessible to the average reader. The thesis analyzes the complexity of cryptography in six different works of literature with reference to standard mathematical models of cryptography. I analyze the above mentioned works of literature, and using classification and mathematical methods, I process and present the appearance of cryptography in individual works (the methods and their correctness); then, using historical and comparative methods, I research the relationship between cryptographic methods used in literature and actual historical use of cryptography. Further on, I use various methods (the mathematical method, the method of analysis and synthesis, the method of interpretation, and the descriptive method) to present the complexity of cryptographic methods in literature.
Keywords:cryptography, code, cipher, complexity, fiction
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[S. Sedej]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60820 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:22465800 New window
Publication date in DKUM:26.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Kompleksnost kriptografije v knjižvenosti
Abstract:Prvi pojav kriptografije beležimo pred približno štiri tisoč leti. Skozi zgodovino se je le-ta razvijala in nadgrajevala. Kriptografija je tesno povezana z razvojem človeštva, zato je v preteklosti neposredno izoblikovala svet v katerem živimo dandanes. Kljub temu, da je kriptografija del človeštva že skoraj štiri tisoč let, se prva knjiga na to tematiko pojavi šele leta 1499, ko John Tritheim izda zbirko šifer, ki so se v tistem času uporabljale na nekaterih evropskih sodiščih. Magistrsko delo z naslovom Kompleksnost kriptografije v književnosti analizira kriptografijo v angleški literaturi zadnjih dveh stoletij. Magistrsko delo je v angleškem jeziku napisano iz več razlogov, in sicer zaradi študija angleške in ameriške književnosti, angleško govorečega mentorja ter raziskovanja literature v angleškem jeziku. V njem z metodo analize in sinteze proučimo dva primarna vira Codes and Ciphers – A History of Cryptography [Kode in šifre – zgodovina kriptografije] avtorja Alexandra D'Agapeyeffa ter Codes, Ciphers and Secret Writing [Kode, šifre in skrivno pisanje] avtorja Martina Gardnerja. Magistrsko delo povzame in predstavi zgodovino kriptografije. Le to z metodo analize in sinteze razišče v delih The Code Book [Knjiga kod] avtorja Simona Singha ter The Code-Breakers [Lomilci kod] avtorja Davida Kahna. Hkrati bralca seznani z ustrezno terminologijo, ki je potrebna za razumevanje nadaljnjih vsebin. S poznavanjem osnovnih oblik in zgodovine kriptografije sem postavila tezo, da so v književnosti opisane različne oblike kriptografije. Le-te so povezane z njenim zgodovinskim razvojem. Raziskava potrjuje to tezo in hkrati odpira pomemben koncept za nadaljnjo raziskavo. Z uporabo določenih kriptografskih metod se namreč spreminjajo tako tema kot tudi književni čas in prostor. Nadalje predpostavimo, da se le-te uporabljajo v širokem spektru literarnih zvrsti. Osnovni strategiji analize in sinteze to potrdita. Razširjenost te tematike je obsežna. Empirične ugotovitve kažejo, da kljub temu, da kriptografijo pričakujemo v literarnih zvrsteh znanstvene fantastike, zgodovine in kibernetične prihodnosti, nanjo naletimo tudi v popularni fikciji in avtobiografijah. Hkrati se postavi teza, da se v književnosti uporabljajo večinoma enostavne oz. poenostavljene metode kriptografije, saj v nasprotnem primeru ne bi bile dostopne povprečnemu bralcu. Nadalje raziščemo pravilnost, resničnost in kompleksnost kriptografije. Nekateri avtorji, kot so Chevrillon, Harris in Sagan, uporabijo zelo malo kriptografskih pojmov. Podrobnejša raziskava del omenjenih avtorjev je identificirala različne nivoje kompleksnosti. Ravno nasprotno, Thomas, Stephenson in Berry, natančno in obsežno predstavijo element kriptografije. Tudi dela teh avtorjev pokrivajo široko območje kompleksnosti. Magistrsko delo analizira kompleksnost kriptografije v šestih različnih književnih delih. Z metodo analize in sinteze magistrsko delo razišče omenjena literarna dela. Z metodo klasifikacije ter z matematično metodo zabeleži in predstavi pojav kriptografije v posameznem delu (metode in njihova kompleksnost), nato pa z zgodovinsko in komparativno metodo razišče razmerje med uporabljeno kriptografsko metodo v literaturi ter pojavom le-te v zgodovini uporabe kriptografije. Nadalje z različnimi metodami (matematična metoda, metoda analize in sinteze, metoda interpretacije in deskriptivna metoda) predstavi kompleksnost kriptografskih metod v književnosti.
Keywords:kriptografija, koda, šifra, kompleksnost, književnost


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