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Title:Terminski plan in analiza cen za rekonstrukcijo stanovanj na Kajuhovi cesti 3 v Šoštanju
Authors:ID Hosner, Nikol (Author)
ID Šuman, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pučko, Zoran (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Hosner_Nikol_2016.pdf (4,41 MB)
MD5: 02E914B3CBE15C3D343113AA077BFE28
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:Diplomsko delo obravnava terminski plan in analizo cen za rekonstrukcijo stanovanj na Kajuhovi cesti 3 v Šoštanju. v teoretičnem prvem delu diplomskega dela obravnavamo operativno planiranje gradbenega projekta ter proces priprave ponudbenih cen, vključujoč predanalize in glavne analize cen. V praktičnem drugem delu podajamo na primeru rekonstrukcije stanovanj na Kajuhovi cesti 3 v Šoštanju izdelan terminski plan, pripravljen kot modificiran gantogram izdelan s pomočjo računalniškega programa MS Projekt,za izvedbo gradbenih, obrtniških in instalacijskih del rekonstrukcije stavb ter izdelane glavne analize cen za količinsko večje predračunske postavke po posameznih skupinah in vrstah del.
Keywords:Gradbeništvo, rekonstrukcija, materiali, terminski plan, popisi del, analiza cen, mrežna tehnika
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[N. Hosner]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-60768 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:20181014 New window
Publication date in DKUM:15.07.2016
Categories:KTFMB - FG
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Secondary language

Title:Time Schedule and unit price analysis for apartments reconstruction on Kajuhova cesta 3 in Šoštanj
Abstract:Thesis deals with time schedule and unit price estimation for the reconstruction of apartments in Kajuhova road 3 in Sostanj. In the first theoretical part of the thesis we discuss the operational planning of the construction project and the process of preparation of offer unit prices including before analysis and the main analysis of prices. Precise and quality preparation of unit prices is an important factor in obtaining part of the market and is largely dependent on the quality of the task list and quantity take offs. Practical second part presents the production of operational schedule for construction of the facility and on the case of the reconstruction of housing in Kajuhova Road 3 and making unit price analysis to quantify larger prospective items by individual groups and types of work.
Keywords:civil engineering, renovation, materials, time schedule


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